“God is using your present circumstances to make you more useful for later roles in his unfolding story.” Louie Giglio.
Author Archives: lindakil@ca.rr.com
But I Can’t See It Yet
“Praying honestly and and studying scripture help Christians distinguish God’s will from their own motivations.” Charles Stanley
When Residing in the Valley of Failure
“Fear is the uneasy feeling we’re inadequate. It’s an alarm that goes off when we feel threatened. We have all left footprints in the valley of failure. Do we give up and live a defeated life or do we believe God can restore us?” Charles Stanley.
When Holding On With White Knuckles
“Ultimately, trying to hear God’s voice is a wonderfully faith-filled adventure. We do our best to seek and follow the Spirit’s leading, but we have to be okay with not knowing in every situation. And we can have the confidence that even when we don’t know, God does, and he is still working in our lives.” Francis Chan.
I Can’t Remember What I Am Forgetting
“Indeed, the essence of true faith is taking God at his word and relying on him to do as he has promised.” Wayne Grudem
Mustard Seed Earrings
“Faith: It is not how much or how little we have that matters. It’s whether we’re willing to act upon the mustard seed we’ve got.” Larry Osborne.
See The God Who Sees You
Excerpt: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” A.W. Tozer.
Red Sea Experiences
“The word afraid is used 122 times in the Bible; fear is used 90 times, discouraged has 13 occurrences; dismayed is used nine times, and terrified is found eight times.” Linda Killian, “Taming the Lion’s Roar. Handling Fear in the Midst of a Trial.”
Having It All Together
“We are all insecure . . . Be the courageous one who says “I don’t have it all together. But I believe we’re better together.” God values the process of growth more than your performance.” Holly Gerth, “You’re Loved no Matter What. Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect”
“Peace is the ability to wait patiently in spite of panic brought on by uncertainty. ” Chuck Swindoll, Avoiding Stress Fractures.