Philippians 4:5-7, Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand. And do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.”
In 2023, I did a Bible Study on endurance and perseverance. Have I improved in this area? It is a lifelong process and battle that I have not mastered, yet I persist in my endeavors to endure and persevere in applying God’s truths and promises to my life. Then this past year, I did a personal Bible Study on trusting God. It taught me I have so much more to learn in this area. For instance, it is difficult to trust in God when you see nothing happening. However, we have the example of Rachel not being able to get pregnant in Genesis 30:22-24. Eventually, God answered her prayers, but she had to live with her mistake of taking matters into her own hands with Leah, which was Rachel’s personal solution. How different Rachel’s life would have been had she had the patience and courage to trust in God and wait for His timing. The lesson for us is never to think God has forgotten us during our need.
Do you know someone that is carefree? Spurgeon said it well, when he said, “– but as a cure for disagreements, the apostle says, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always.’ People who are very happy, especially those who are very happy in the Lord, are not apt either to give offense or to take offense. Their minds are so sweetly occupied with higher things, that they are not easily distracted by the little troubles which naturally arise among such imperfect creatures as we are. Joy in the Lord is the cure for all discord.” I have had to think about that. Then the book, UNOFF-END-ABLE, which further writes about this subject, by Brant Hansen, on page 201, which I highly recommend, says, “We have to constantly be grateful for our own forgiveness. We start the day with it. We live the day with it. We end the day with it. It defines us.” This is a daily challenge and would help us all to be more carefree in not being distracted from offenses, wouldn’t it? Oh, that my mind would be more faithfully occupied with higher things. God is saying to us, “Come to me and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-30.
Write out what concerns you today. Commit it to the Lord. Tell Him what weighs you down. He is the God of peace. I have a stencil on the wall above my printer in my office that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. Then, in my bathroom, I have this verse written on a card helping me through a particular situation: “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” Can you become carefree? Can I? In the sense of lifting your cares and concerns to the God of peace, yes, you (I) can if you (I) have committed it all to Him and ask the Lord to help you see Him working it out for your good as He has promised in Romans 8:28.
Paul did not have all his prayers answered. “Paul says, “Pray with me – first that I may be delivered from my enemies in Jerusalem; second, that my service may be accepted by the Christians; and finally, that I may come to you at Rome with joy.” Romans 15:30-32. But what happened? Paul was captured by his enemies in Jerusalem. His ministry was not readily accepted by the saints. Ant the only way he made it to Rome was as a prisoner. Here’s the deal gang, God can say “Yes” to my prayers, or He can say “No.” Either way, it’s an answer.” Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, page 1296.
Paul’s instruction was to turn our worries into prayers. Remember, “the Lord is at hand.” That is the path to becoming carefree because God is holding your cares in His hands. Hope in God and praise Him for His provision before you can see it. Yes, we will have adversities. But they are being controlled by God’s sovereign love and wisdom for His glory and for our good. So, is being carefree possible? When put all together in this light in committing to God everything, trusting in God with endurance and patience, yes. But give it time. It takes practice by keeping God’s Word before you as much as possible, guarding your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.
Listen to Somebody Prayed (with Lyrics) – Crowder. 3 months ago.