Psalm 32:8-9, “The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.”

A horse or mule are examples of animals that are not easily guided, as shown in Psalm 32:9. I found some interesting information regarding these two animals in my research. In Biblical times, horses were often associated with strength in warfare. There are 14 instances in the Old Testament where mules are mentioned. It has been said that horses and mules are trainable and have deep emotional intelligence. Mules are bright and desire to take charge and learn things independently. However, they have a strong-minded will that makes them inclined to resist and want their own way. If they cannot see the point of doing something, they won’t. They evaluate conditions before acting, so they may refuse to go further if unsure of their footing. They can be unforgiving due to their long memory. I can see similar traits at times in myself in all of these. How about you?

Horses’ personalities are kind, and they generally have a calm temperament. However, they have a short attention span but are loyal and people-pleasers. Due to their sensitivity, they can become irritable, which can mean trouble, especially if they pick offense quickly. When undergoing training, it is vital to establish boundaries and let the horse understand they are not in control – the trainer is. This requires the use of bits and reins to keep them under control during their training process just as David refers to in this Psalm.

“Like the horse, David rushed ahead impetuous, and like the mule, he was stubborn and tried to cover his sins. The only way to control animals is to break them and harness them, but God didn’t want to do that to His beloved servant David. Instead, He would teach him His word and keep His eye upon him, surrounding him with mercy (Ps. 23:6).” [1]

Psalm 25:8 promises, “The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.”

Psalm 33:18 states, “But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.” Throughout our day-to-day situations, we must have hope, faith, and trust in God, our loving and righteous advisor, who will direct and nimbly guide us along the best life pathway. The Message version says Psalm 32:9 this way, “Don’t be ornery like a horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to stay on track.” I am now understanding there are challenging lessons to be learned from a horse or a mule in reading and applying Psalm 32:8-9 in one’s life. We must learn and soak up God’s Word for it has the power to transform and revive one’s soul, make one wise, bringing joy to the heart, giving insight for living, warns us and rewards us (Psalm 19:7-9). God’s Word reveals His greatness and sufficiency, as David proclaimed in Psalm 19:11,They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey him.” I will be thinking more about the characteristics of mules and horses now in light of Psalm 32:8-9.

[1] Be Worshipful. Glorifying God For Who He Is. Psalms 1-89. Warren W. Wiersbe, page 124.

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