Not As I Intended

The apostle Paul was ambitious in preaching the gospel of God’s grace where Christ was not known. Paul’s actions accompanied his words with sustained hope. He lived it and yet was not afraid to show his vulnerability and ask for fervent prayer. He states in Romans 15:28: “When therefore I have completed (planned to travel to Rome and then onto Spain) this and have delivered to them what has been collected, I will leave for Spain by way of you.” Paul’s plan to come to Rome (Acts 22-28) was accomplished but not as he intended, since he arrived in Rome as a prisoner.

Paul asked passionately for the church to pray for him (the Holy Spirit had warned him in town after town that prison and hardships were facing him, Acts 20:23; 21:4; 11) for three things:

  1. That he might be protected from the unbelievers in Jerusalem so he could continue his ministry, for the Jews desired to put him to death.
  2. That the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem might accept him and the financial aid he had collected by their Gentile fellow believers in Greece, for famine relief funds.
  3. That he would come with joy to Rome, and be refreshed by their company, so he could continue his ministry and go to Spain.

Did Paul experience anxiety? Yes – he had good reason to and he showed his vulnerability and asked for specific needs to be answered and met for him. He stated he needed their prayers more than ever and stated it twice, which emphasized the intensity of his need for prayer. Paul’s dependence was upon God and God’s people involving his plan and vision.

Paul experienced severe stoning, from unbelieving Jews, but his life was spared only when he was taken into protective custody by a man named Lycinius, a Roman soldier (Acts 21). Not as he intended.

Strangely, Paul was never accepted by some of the believers who were the underlying reason for the stoning he received. Paul spent two years in prison in protective custody. He was falsely accused by Jewish leaders in the temple – the very comrads he formerly served when persecuting Christians, and arrested. He was in court numerous times, escaped an assassination plot on his life, was in prison for months, and then exercised his right to have his case heard in Rome since he was a Roman citizen. His enemies created an opportunity for Paul to witness for Christ, but this was not as he intended.

Did he arrive in Rome with joy? He traveled as a prisoner in chains. Paul thanked God and took courage (Acts 28:15). He arrived but not as he intended. Paul got to preach the gospel with unexpected access to the emperor of Rome himself. That was not in his original plan.

Was Paul protected? Yes, because he did not die, and lived, but not as he intended since he was in protective custody for two years.

Was he accepted by the believers? Not initially – but eventually yes – but not as he intended. Paul knew that the church in Jerusalem looked upon him as a dangerous innovator and that they were very conservative. Peter himself instructed the believers in 2 Peter 3:15, to listen to what Paul had to say.

Did he make it to Rome? Yes, and his trip was accomplished with all expenses paid – but not as he intended.

Paul’s prayers were answered, but not in the way he intended. God had His sovereign plan, and it was carried out through Paul’s life despite the circumstances. Paul kept his dream and vision for spreading the good news of Christ despite intense opposition. Lives were touched, people were saved, and Paul maintained his hope and joy and peace found only in God, due to the prayers of others. Right before Paul’s death, he stated: “I have finished my course.” 2 Timothy 4:7, yet it was not as he had intended.

Have you experienced an unexpected u-turn in your plans that were not as you had intended? Are you still waiting for the finish line to appear? Have you felt your safety net has disappeared? Despite the circumstances you had not intended, think about how God has provided comfort, knowledge, wisdom, strength, given you peace, encouragement through other believers, and calmed your fears in ways that you had not intended?

Listen to Mercy Me – Even If (Official Lyric Video). I think Paul would have sung this song too, if he had had it with him in prison in Rome.

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