A Lesson From The Sun In The Sky

Titus 2:11-13, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us that, denying ungodliness and worldly desires, we should live sensibly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” LSB

God’s mercy and His saving grace has been on my mind this past week, due to studying Titus 2:11-13. Hebrews 4:16 tells us we are to pray for mercy and Galatians 6:16 states we are to ask for mercy for one another. There are no selected persons or non-selected persons when it comes to the availability of finding the saving grace of God. Jesus Christ has brought salvation to “all.” All have the opportunity to receive and accept it. There is one gospel for all people (Titus 2:11, ESV). Adam Clarke’s Commentary states (who was a British Methodist theologian and Biblical scholar), “There is a beauty and energy in the word epiphaino, hath shined out, that is rarely noted; it seems to be a metaphor taken from the sun. As by his rising in the east and shining out, he enlightens, successively, the whole world; so the Lord Jesus who is called the Sun of righteousness, Malachi 4:2, arises on the whole human race with healing in his wings.”

David Guzik’s Commentary explains further by stating, “The light and warmth of the sun is for the whole earth: but it does not shine upon the earth all at the same time, nor in the same intensity from place to place.” I find his statement so precisely and clearly explaining the truth of Titus 2:11-13.

Paul stresses to Titus that in the lives of the saved, we need to live out before others our integrity and strong ethical and moral principles that should be more critical than achieving any dreams or goals of accumulating material possessions due to having received God’s mercy and grace of salvation. We need to be grounded in the Word of God to live “sensibly, righteously, and godly.” So how do I introduce ideas into conversations that move the other person one step closer to God? I want to help those I am in contact with to connect the dots of God’s saving grace that has appeared to them at some point in their lives. If I can remember the truth of Titus 2:11-13, doesn’t that take the fear away of rejection and causes me to pray that more earnestly for their salvation? Yes, it does.

So, when you look up at the sun in the sky, from now on, think about its position in the morning verses the afternoon and evening. Was today cloudy part of the time or full sunshine throughout the day? What about its intensity? So, the question I must ask myself is, how did my light shine for Christ today? Was it fully illuminating Christ by my compassion, reliability, and love for others in remembering that Christ has brought salvation, by his grace, to each person I am in contact with today whether they have accepted Him yet or not? For those on my prayer list for salvation, I wonder how God revealed Himself to them recently?

The Message states Titus 2:11-13 this way, “God’s readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation’s available for everyone! We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now, and is whetting our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears.” May I so live today in being a right example in my words and deeds, because I believe Jesus is coming soon; and now when I look up at the sun, it will remind me of Titus 2:11-13 and the Greek word, epiphainó. As Christ has appeared, like the sun in the sky, to all men everywhere, bringing salvation by the grace of God, for all.

Listen to Danny Gokey – We All Need Jesus – Official Lyric Video

Covering Up Mistakes With Wax

Titus 2:7,Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.”

Do you feel you are making progress in areas you are trying to grow in such as resolving or handling conflicts, having more self-control, or resting on the promises of God despite unfavorable circumstances? To those in my sphere of influence, I often feel like I might take three steps forwards in making personal progress, but then often take two steps backward when hit with conflict. Paul was instructing Titus that he had to be an example, and not just a teacher, of sound doctrine and truth. We all teach more by example than by what we say is what Paul was stating.

We are not all teachers. But we all are role models to our family, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances. When the values I hold dear are ignored or attacked, that is detrimental to me. I have the same reaction when someone breaks a promise to me. I fail to protect myself as I overwork because my brain never stops thinking about how I can do things better, and then I will lose all patience from being stressed out and emotionally exhausted. How about you? What, when you are opposed or your buttons are pushed as they say, sets off a less than favorable emotion of anger within you? Is it when your ideas are challenged, or you feel taken for granted? Or what about seeing incompetence in others, not tolerating illogical actions, a lack of humility, or an exaggeration of the truth? That is when taking two steps backward happens to all of us as our reactions may become verbally catapulted. At the end of the day, think over what you did or said that would be a model for others to imitate? Or do you have some regrets you wish you could have covered up with some wax?

The Voice states Titus 2:7-8 this way, “Titus, you have to set a good example for everyone. Go out of your way to do what is right, speak the truth with the weight and authority that come from an honest and pure life. No one can argue with that. Then your enemies will cower in shame because they have nothing bad to say against us.”

In Paul’s day, there was the ancient art of sculpting. Sculptors, however, would patch their mistakes with wax, and no one would see what they were trying to cover up. “Unseen until the noonday sun shone on the sculpture after the unsuspecting customer had taken it home.” Jon Courson’s Application Commentary. Thus, the piece of art lacked integrity and honesty. Our respectability should not melt in the heat of hardships, distress, and just having a bad day. Oh, that our opponents “may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.” Titus 2:7.

Listen to Casting Crowns – 2nd Opinions (Official Lyric Video).

What Would Show On Snapshot Pictures Of Your Day Today In Handling Life?

Titus 2:2-3, “Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good.”

Titus 2 is a textbook of the system of Biblical ethics for character traits of believers, in right thinking and living that goes along with living the Christian life in not only words but in actions. The Bible should be our textbook in knowing how we should live and enable us to be effective spiritual mentors to those younger than our years.

“The older men: Titus had some older men among the Christians in Crete. They had to be approached with love and wisdom, or they might easily be offended when taught by a younger man like Titus.” David Guzik Commentary. Paul stated that living “sober, reverent, and self-controlled” does not come spontaneously with age. Even men’s emotions control their thoughts and behaviors from what is in the heart, which must be guarded as Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) warns, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

How about “steadfastness?” Paul was instructing Titus that men are to be strong in endurance, accept or tolerate delays, and be firm and unwavering in their faith because they are spiritually grounded in God’s Word and doctrine. They are to be worthy of respect (HCSB). Therefore, the everyday devasting challenges of life will not derail them due to being grounded in God’s Word and sound doctrine, so they are dependable, unwavering, and steady when hit with trials in life. This challenge and expectation Paul was giving to “older men” so they would be examples of Christ-like role models. That is what being “steadfast” means. Older women were to have the same qualities as the older men, and to reflect holiness.

What does “reverent behavior” mean that Paul taught Titus, “older women” should be? One definition I found online said the following: “Definition: Reverent Behavior. This older woman sees life, all of life, from God’s viewpoint and understands that even the mundane routines of life are important to God. Her lifestyle tells a watchful observer where her priorities are. Watch her walk through her day in order to see what is next to God’s Heart.” Elizabeth Elliot has said, “Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now.” Elizabeth Elliot has also said: “Never pass up an opportunity to keep your mouth shut.” That squelches any slanderous comments we women are so tempted to say. Ouch.

We all are faced with impossible situations. I admit I don’t look at those times as “opportunities.” However, Proverbs 31:25-26 states about the Proverbs 31 woman: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” I want to have the character profile of Proverbs 31:25-26 and Titus 2:2-3. At the end of each day, I need to reflect on what kind of a model I portrayed today? Was I patient? Was I kind and loving? Did I shut my mouth before a slanderous comment came out? Did I engage in self-discipline and self-control? Did I give encouragement by my words and example? Was I worthy of respect? What would a snapshot picture slide show, show of my day today in handling my life? How about yours?

Listen to Danny Gokey – Stand In Faith (Official Lyric Video) 5/21/2021.

The Sole Source Of Power To Make Changes

Titus 1:15-16, “To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled, and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.”

Paul states in Titus 1:12-14 just how bad the Cretans were. He stated one of their own prophets said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” Paul quoted a line from a poem by Epimenides, a poet, and philosopher who was a resident of Crete 600 years earlier. Paul stated, “This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.” Titus 1:13. David Guzik’s Commentary states: “Paul didn’t’ say to Titus, “Cretans are liars and cheats and gluttons, with one of the worst reputations of any group in the Roman Empire. You should look for an easier group to work with.” Instead, he said, “I know how bad they are. Go out and change them with the power of Jesus and for His glory.” Paul directed Titus to confront false teachers and reject them as leaders in the church and ministry. He was to “rebuke them sharply” (Titus 1:13) from spreading false doctrine as these “false teachers” were leading a double life.

Integrity, having strong ethical or moral principles and living them out daily, is needed more and more in the workplace and the family. That is one way to shine one’s light in testimony before our peers, as incidents occur daily in choosing what is right versus wrong. When our conscience is infused with God’s Word it guards us and will instill in us a warning sign as God designed.

Our values, beliefs, and convictions must be grounded upon the Word of God and Christ’s transforming power within our lives and kingdom priorities. Our conduct speaks louder than words from our actions stemming from what we believe and is in our hearts. Jesus stated in Luke 6:45, “The good person out of the treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

We have a new salesman at my work, who used to work for one of our competitors. He has told me, and has said to management and to my customers, that he would always see my name written on the sign-in logbook at our mutual customers (back when this was a common practice) and saw the impact I had. I didn’t know him then, but he knew who I was by my reputation. I was unaware he was watching me and observing what I did in my job. My actions spoke for me without me even realizing it. This makes me realize that people are watching me without me being aware of it and can be from people I don’t even know. Therefore, my testimony needs to be honoring God at all times despite outward circumstances.

What and who is your identity based upon? Give testimony to the sole source of the power in your life that has changed you. Live that out the best that you can today. Obey, follow, and show love to others displaying your obedience to Jesus Christ. Each day’s goal should be to introduce ideas into conversations that move the other person one step closer to God. One idea is sharing how when you need discernment in making a decision or have to produce something that seemingly is impossible, you seek the Lord’s guidance. As Proverbs 2:6-8 declares: “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.”

Are you at a point where you see a change needs to be made in some area in your work or within your sphere of influence? Seek the sole source of power to input that change. Stand up for the truth as Paul did and taught Titus to do as well. Do not compromise your integrity or your conscience. A good question to ask others is, “How can I support you?” Call out for insight from the LORD. He will answer. Look and watch for it. Then leave the consequences up to God’s almighty presence, provision, and protection over you. He is the sole source of power to make changes.

Listen to Riley Clemmons (Lyric Video) Keep On Hoping

When You Need To Maintain Hope When It is Hard To Do So

Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.”

Paul wrote the book of Titus before he wrote 2 Timothy to guide and instruct Titus in working with the churches on the island of Crete. In Titus 1:5, it states, “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.” Crete is the largest and most populated of the Greek islands. This island, according to my Life Application NIV Study Bible notes was known for laziness, gluttony, false cults, and lying. In Paul’s time, there were modern philosophers just like we have today that questioned, what is truth? But Paul preached the truth that would save people from Hell. In contrast, those who proclaim knowing the science or psychology cannot save a soul. “The Christian gospel does not in the first place offer men an intellectual creed or a moral code; it offers them life, the very life of God.” (Barclay). This is immediate and eternal for those that trust in Him.

Have you lost your hope today? What would you choose to change if you could? Has someone or something let you down? I have been in this position a few times recently.

I must ask myself, if knowing the assurance of my eternal life and that Christ is returning soon, am I living courageously or merely wanting to escape? Some days that word escape is my first choice. There are more and more issues our parents never had to face in their lifetime that our children and we are facing now. Life often seems toxic. Yet we must set our minds on the promises of God. That is our fuel to immerse our hearts and reboot our minds to live and breathe by. The Message states Titus 1:2 this way, “My aim is to raise hopes by pointing the way to life without end. This is the life God promised long ago – and he doesn’t break promises!”

Job declared in Job 13:15a, “Though he slay me, I will hope in him.”

David stated in Psalm 39:7, “And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.”

Paul taught in Titus 2:13, Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Habakkuk 3:17-18, “Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines . . . yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”

Have I learned to trust God as Job, Habakkuk, David, and Paul did? Not always. Difficult circumstances come and go. This week’s problems encountered may not be relevant one to two weeks from now. Today’s news headlines will be replaced tomorrow with some other disaster and tragedy of injustices. Trusting in God’s power, presence, provision, rescue, and divine judgment will result in peace and joy. Our eternal hope is needed to maintain hope in this broken world when it is hard to do so.

Do you need to hear Psalm 34:18 today? “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Note that both the righteous and the wicked will have ailments and complaints. The difference is the outcome. Verse 19 declares, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Then verse 21 states, “Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.” Plus, take note of Psalm 7, where David sang unto the Lord when he was being slandered by Cush. He sang about God being upset with the wicked every day and judges the righteous. Psalm 7:11 NKJV, “God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

I had forgotten that on three occasions Saul threw spears at David and yet David didn’t fire back. “When a man is the instrument of the enemy, he will take every opportunity to throw a spear, to make his point. Saul was such a man. David, on the other hand, was anointed by God. He didn’t fire back, and God protected him.” Jon Courson’s Application Commentary. Read that statement over again.

Nothing can stop the hand of God, the world’s creator. Search out God’s Word for His wisdom, guidance, and comfort. Talk to Him as you would talk to your own father. Your position is in Jesus and what He did for you on the cross, not on what you do. His grace is sufficient. He is preparing an enteral home with streets of gold that will be your address someday. Ask God to renew your thoughts and hold them captive in praising Him. God used Titus to encourage and give comfort to Paul when he was discouraged at a point in time (2 Corinthians 7). Ask God for a Titus in your life, and then remember God is your defender in the face of slander, accusation, and condemnation. Stand in your integrity and position in Christ. Remember whose you are so you can maintain hope and soar above the situation, when it is hard to do so.

Listen to King and Country’s official music video, Joy. May 21, 2018.

Boarding Call

2 Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.”

Paul knew his life was coming to an end and that his death was inevitable. He lived his life with no regrets because he had an eternal perspective. Every day that he lived in prison he wondered if it was to be his last day on this earth, so he made the most of it in honoring and proclaiming Christ’s gift of salvation to all. He knew his boarding call to heaven was going to be soon.

I have recently returned from going through the details of having my mom pass away. She lived a long life and it ended at her being 95 years old. I was able to experience quality conversations in person with cousins, two aunts and an uncle I have not seen in many years during the visitation at the funeral home, and at mom’s Celebration of Life service the following morning. Paster Zach preached on mom’s favorite verse, Romans 6:23. That was very fitting for this event.

Mom’s Bible was on her nightstand, that she had been reading the last few hours of her life. She had a bookmark in Ephesians 5 and the heading in her Bible of that chapter says, “The walk of the believer as God’s dear child.” Verse 19 Mom lived which says: “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” This verse has more significance to me now as I think of her being able to do this now in person. Then Ephesians 6:18 she more than likely had been reading as well which is a testimony of my mom, which states, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” My brother and sister-in-law, after helping her into bed for the evening one night, right before they left the facility mom lived at, heard her praying out loud, by name, for each of my children, my grandchildren, and the same for my brother, Jim and Rochelle’s family. Mom prayed specifically in persevering in praying for each and every one, and must have had their names all written down in one of her many note pads as I am sure she wanted to get the names right in her prayer requests to God. Then the book of Judges chapters 19 and 20 was also marked. In another Bible she had, 1 Samuel 30 and 31 had a book mark. It is about a battle of David’s great victory and the death of king Saul. Mom faithfully read God’s Word and kept the faith. She was ready to receive her victor’s crown in heaven. I wonder, did Mom know when she went to bed the night of June 5, 2022, it was to be her boarding call to leave this earth and enter Heaven?

This has all reminded me, to look at my uncomfortable and challenging circumstances through God’s perspective and ask myself these questions:

  • Did you fall into sin or maintain your testimony as a Christ-follower?
  • Did you hold onto your faith in Christ’s power and sufficiency?
  • God is your judge and examines your heart’s intentions. How did you do?
  • Picture yourself wearing your victory crown when you get to heaven. How does that give you perseverance in fighting the fight in life and finishing your race well, as Paul stated about himself, as he knew his life would be coming to a close on earth?

David Guzik Commentary states, “Paul felt that he was in the airport and his flight to heaven was ready to depart. He waited for his boarding call . . . he knew he was passing from the scene and Timothy must carry the torch. God’s workmen pass on, but God’s work continues.”

Every Christian will receive a victory crown, a reward presented to you by Christ, “to all who have loved his appearing.” In Paul’s day, when there was an athletic sports event, the winner would receive a crown of olive or ivy leaves that didn’t last long because it died after a few hours. But the crown for us believers in Christ lasts forever; as Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 9:25, “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.”

Christ is on the throne and waiting to receive each one of us at His appointed time. So, when you become weary with life, envision your rewards ceremony when you meet the Lord in heaven and get to spend eternity in glory. Hang on. Fulfill today’s obligations. Run hard. Keep your eyes on the finish line. Keep in mind at all times that Christ has an appointed time for your boarding call up to heaven with Him for eternity.

Listen to Katy Nichole “In Jesus Name” (God of Possible) KLOVE fan awards aired on TBN 6/3/22.

God Is Looking Over Your Shoulder

2 Timothy 4:1-2, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

We all know that we always have the presence of God with us. I know that, but I don’t always visualize this factor while driving, going shopping, sitting at my desk working, cleaning, or cooking. But the MSG took it a step further and made it more visually alive to me of 2 Timothy 4:1, when Paul says to Timothy, “I can’t impress this on you too strongly. God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.”

Godlessness is before us more and more. We are living in the last days, as Paul stated in 2 Timothy 3:1-9. Rampant killings are happening weekly. Earlier this week I saw as news notification announced that “stocks fall, oil surges to $120.” I had our annual out-of-town sales meeting this past week, and I reminded myself that Christ could return before next year’s annual meeting. I believe it is a high probability that two other salesmen (who are fellow believers), and I, this could be our last time at this work event should the Rapture occur. That is the ultimate reality I need to focus on and be concerned about, Christ’s imminent return, as I do my best to be thorough in my work while being sensitive to God-given opportunities to share the gospel.

Paul encouraged Timothy to keep on keeping on preaching the gospel. He was to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort,” but he said he was to do it with complete patience while teaching God’s Word. Paul stated Timothy was to keep on challenging, warning, and urging people with solid teaching based on God’s Word and not with catchy opinions. Since he was about to die, Timothy would take over for Paul, and Paul wanted Timothy to step into that leadership role and do it well. As it says, “But you – keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard time along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant.” 2 Timothy 4:4-5 MSG.

God is looking over your shoulder as you have challenges in the days ahead. Keep your mind set on Christ and the cross. Speak words of praise and worship to Him, and He will fill you and refresh you with His Spirit, as it says in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “We do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” Reading God’s Word and memorizing it gives us a well that will never run dry. His presence gives reassurance, refreshment, and inner strength. My prayer is, may the beauty of God’s image be reflected in my soul with overflowing peace, joy, and gratitude while enduring the good with the bad, as God is looking over my shoulder, and Christ’s return is coming soon. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Listen to King & Country Fix my Eyes (Lyric Video).

When You Need To Have Competence

2 Timothy 3: 16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”

What Bible verses have made an impact on your life? If you grew up in a Christian home, you probably went to Vacation Bible School as a child. That was where I memorized Psalm 23 when I was in third or fourth grade. When I can’t sleep at night, I often recite the 23rd Psalm to myself. To this day, there are various verses of truth in that chapter that I go back to. I wonder what verses our children learned in AWANA and at Owatonna Christian School (we used to live in Owatonna, MN), have carried them into their adult lives?

What verse has equipped you for what you needed to do this past week? Do you need to make a particular decision or have a project you are responsible for getting done? Ask God to point out a verse to give you the required wisdom to be “competent, equipped for every good work.” Since God speaks to us through His Word, do you realize that when you quote Scripture, you are, in a sense quoting God? The Phillips version of 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error, for resetting the direction of a man’s life and training him in good living.”

Is your life taking a pivot? Is it in a resetting of direction? Your current circumstances are not necessarily permanent. As you read God’s Word ask Him to speak to you while reading it. Then be still. Don’t do all the talking. Let God talk to you and listen to what He has to say. I need to do this daily as my job, which I have had for these past sixteen years, is changing. I want to have competence in what is ahead of me. A verse that I pray every morning is Psalm 90:17, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our (my) hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” ESV. Then the New Living Translation states it this way, “And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our (my) efforts successful!”

A parallel verse is found in 2 Corinthians 3:5, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” NIV. The NASB uses the word “adequacy” – “. . . but our adequacy is from God.” Need to have competence in a situation? Need to have adequacy in a circumstance? God is Jehovah Jireh, “the Lord will provide.” Moses told Joshua, who was to succeed him, in Deuteronomy 31:8, not to fear or be dismayed because the Lord would go before him, deliver them from their enemies, and never leave him. Joshua had felt he was inadequate and lacked competency in replacing Moses’s leadership. Moses was preparing Joshua and the people to rely on God, and not on people. “Do not be afraid or be discouraged” was Moses’s encouraging words to Joshua who was to succeed him in leading the people as Moses had commanded him. That verse I have written out on a card on my desk to remind myself of when I need to have inner confidence in being competent for the task.

What does “all” mean in 2 Tim. 3:16? All – every word. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” He was quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. “It is not just the thoughts that are inspired. Jesus quoted Deuteronomy and declared that every word proceeds out of the mouth of God, and is inspired by God. Every word is God breathed.” John Courson’s Application Commentary. Need competence for something coming or for today? Ask God to give you a word from Him. Listen – pause a moment in order to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you. He will bring to memory, or you will see Scripture verses leaping off the page as you read God’s Word, resetting the direction of your life and training you in good living. May God give you peace as He fills you with His presence, leading to having the competency that you need.

Listen to Casting Crowns (Lyric Video) Nobody 11/24/2018.

Time Is Running Out

2 Timothy 3:1-5“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”

Paul is warning Timothy that difficult days are ahead. We are living in the last days, which we call end times. The “last days” began after Jesus’ resurrection and Pentecost and will continue until Christ’s second coming. Deception of truth has always been throughout periods in history and will increase as Christ’s return draws near. Paul warned that wickedness will increase. Therefore, Paul commanded Timothy to preach the gospel and be more assertive in teaching to “reprove, rebuke and exhort” true doctrine found in God’s Word (2 Tim. 4:1) exposing false doctrine, false philosophy, and savage thinking that becomes accepted and with intensity and boldness as the Rapture comes closer. Paul told Timothy, we are living in “terrible times” (2 Tim. 3:1 NIV) and I think it has been increasingly so in our current time. Just yesterday there was a warning for California that we will have blackouts this Summer due to drought, and capacity short falls. It was labeled as an energy emergency, that will also affect the Southwest and the Midwest as well, discovered on an electric grid analysis.

 Romans 1:18-32 describes God’s wrath revealed by unrighteousness and wickedness of people and verse 24 states, “Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,” and verse 25 states, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” So prophetically and historically, Paul describes declining morality and difficult days ahead as Christ’s second coming draws near. I see this happening every week.

Note the words “lovers of self.” Listen to people’s conversations and note how many times they use the word “I.” Being self-focused is more and more prominent. Lucille Ball is quoted as saying, “Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” I found on the web, “201 Love Yourself Quotes for Happiness and Inner Strength. Loving yourself is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your life. It will make your life happier and lighter.” By Henrik Edberg. He is an author who lives in Sweden and has been writing about living a happier life. This thinking has falsely told people that putting yourself first will give you a better healthy personality. However, Proverbs 29:23 declares, “A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.” C. S Lewis said, “God hates pride because it is a manifestation of the deepest depravity, the root cause of all forms of sin . . . the utmost evil, is Pride.”

One must have a balanced outlook on oneself. Paul said in Romans 12:3, “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” We all have strengths and weaknesses. God has given you talents and gifts to strengthen the body of Christ. Each of us has a calling from God upon our lives, and we are to live for the glory of God, our creator. “The moment a man makes his own will the center of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible. The essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but obliteration of self.” (Barkley). James 4:6 needs to be applied daily, “But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

I have to remind myself to live my life one day at a time, to the best of my ability. We are running out of time to share the gospel and be a living example of a life transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. We are one day nearer Christ’s return than we were yesterday. Our political government will not be able to save the day. When one lives in looking for the Lord’s return expectantly, fears of today, and discouragements, all get put back into the perspective Christ desires, because there is coming a day when in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, all will be judged, and every knee will bow before Him. Time is running out. Jesus said in Revelation 22:12, “Behold I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Time is running out. We are living in the “last days” of 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

Listen to Danny Gokey – Jesus People (Official Lyric Video) January 13, 2022.

Correcting With Gentleness

2 Timothy 2:24-26, “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.”

It is not always easy maintaining gentleness with those who least deserve it when you see something that needs correcting, because you haven’t seen any progress. A leader, leading like Jesus, must not be setting out to pick fights or energized from arguments. I think we all know people that have that bent. Know-it-alls are everywhere in thinking they are experts in everything. Paul must have had a tremendous amount of patience in handling those that opposed him. He was teaching Timothy to do the same. Paul did not say it was wrong to confront those in error that need to be confronted, but it must be done without self-pride, and again, the word “gentleness” is used. How does one do so with humility and from a nurturing motive? I think asking probing questions is needed in these instances and knowing when to walk away and agree to disagree. Jesus was our example, in Matthew 12:19 as it says of Jesus, “He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets.” Jesus used gentleness in dealing with people. That was his character which was the pattern he used, as Matthew 11:29 stated, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” That was what David did when his oldest brother Eliab ridiculed him, told him he was conceited, and insulted him before a crowd. He harshly misjudged David’s intentions. David simply repeated his question to Eliab, turned his back on him, walked away from the quarrel and disagreement. Then David continued to do exactly what God called and purposed him to do, in killing Goliath, who defied the armies of the living God.

David Guzik’s commentary states on 2 Timothy 2:24-26: “. . . repentance will never happen apart from a work of God in their heart. . . The idea is not, “Maybe God will or maybe God won’t grant them repentance.” The idea is more, “It’s remarkable thing to see this work of God, and I won’t presume upon it happening.” Repentance flows as someone comes to the truth in this way. Those who are in opposition to God’s work, whether they know it or not, are bound in a demonic deception, and are doing the devil’s work. They need to escape the snare of the devil, and God is ready to set them free.”

Every person has a choice to serve God or not. 1 Timothy 2:3B-4 declares, “God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Pray for those you work with, family members, and those you come in contact with to “come to their senses,” recognize and admit they are a sinner, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. All the while praying for the Holy Spirit to work so that they will see the truth by their own eyes and that you would see and walk in the truth shown to you before them.

What has God been teaching you this week? What lessons did He want you to learn from the truth from His Word He has shown you? The following truths in these verses restrained me from responding in anger recently:

  • Proverbs 12:18, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
  • Proverbs 15:28, “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”
  • Proverbs 10:19, “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.”
  • Proverbs 12:16, “The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.”

I believe Satan uses conflict to trip us up and hurt our relationships with those we are trying to be a witness to, especially when they have ignited one of our triggers that set us off. As Louie Giglio has said, “Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table!”

Pray for the lost on your prayer list to see the truth of the gospel, believe, repent, and come to their senses of Christ’s saving grace, a free gift they need to accept to be taken out of the devil’s snare. Focus on your calling, your purpose in life. Do it to the best of your ability in pursuing righteousness, faith, love and peace, with gentleness. Then leave the results to God.

Listen to Phil Wickham – Look To Jesus. March 24, 2022.