When In A Dungeon

Woman feeling free in a beautiful natural setting.

2 Timothy 1:3-4, “I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.”

My last visit with my mother, who is ninety-five and lives in Iowa, is still very precious. I spent time with her, listening to things she remembered from my childhood that I was not aware of or did not remember. It was an insightful two days of listening to my mother’s wisdom as she reflected upon life and how she said God had taken away the sting of my dad passing away, although it was a hard adjustment, due to the prayers of people praying for her. That word “sting” is now such a meaningful word to me in that context. Do you have a heritage of faith?

Paul knew his death was imminent. He was writing his farewell last words of wisdom and insight to Timothy, in a letter, while sitting in a dungeon. Letters at that time were regarded like a recorded speech and this letter was a substitute for the personal presence for Paul. They both had tears when they last saw each other, probably when Paul was arrested for the second time, and taken to Rome. When one reads 2 Timothy, everything falls into its proper place if the reader keeps this in mind. It is the most intimate and personal of Paul’s letters and was his last. It is what Paul wants Timothy to pay attention to for the rest of his life and ministry.

Paul lived out 1 Thessalonians 5:17, when he stated, “Pray without ceasing,” as he said in 2 Timothy 1:3, “. . . as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.” Timothy was on Paul’s mind continually, his friend who he led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, mentored in the faith, and passed on the baton of leadership. Paul’s circumstances were not favorable. He was in a cold and damp prison, a dungeon, yet he spent his time praying instead of grumbling and complaining.

Are you trying to figure out how to maneuver around hurdles and barriers in your current job or a relationship? Maybe God is teaching you something or giving you a new opportunity in this dungeon that you would not have learned any other way. Keep pushing forward. James 1:5 states, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” You, meanwhile, can pray night and day too. Remember, Jesus is interceding for you, praying for you and me (Hebrews 7:25), at the right hand of His Father. Psalm 121:3 declares, “He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber.” Eternity will be a place of receiving rewards for obedience, faithfulness, and endurance. Take His hand. He sees, He hears, and thank Him for the profit that will come from enduring this hardship while suffering in this dungeon. Find reasons to be grateful in the midst of it all and don’t allow the enemy to have a seat at your table.

Joni Eareckson Tada has said: “God is more concerned with conforming me to the likeness of His Son than leaving me in my comfort zones. God is more interested in inward qualities than outward circumstances – things like refining my faith, humbling my heart, cleaning up my thought life and strengthening my character.”

Listen to Mercy Me – Blessed (Lyrics) – You Tube. 4/30/2021.

How To Keep Out Of Trouble

1 Timothy 6:10-12, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

I admit I sometimes focus more on the blessings than the one who blesses. What glorifies God is more important than whatever benefits of “things” come my way. Having contentment cannot be bought. Paul is a prime example of a man that had acquired contentment as he testified in Philippians 4:11-13, “. . . for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content . . .” He could keep it all in perspective because his heart was fixed on keeping eternity’s values in view.

Warren Wiersbe stated in 2007, that “The economic and energy crisis that the world faces will probably be used by God to encourage people to simplify their lives. Too many of us know the “price of everything and the value of nothing.” The Wiersbe Bible Commentary, 1 Timothy 6:10, page 768. I find that statement interesting and fitting for 2022. Wouldn’t you agree?

We will always want more. Possessions will never give complete satisfaction. Instead, Paul taught that we all need to pursue and value righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. These are lasting and give eternal satisfaction. They do not have a price tag and require action on our part. It takes discipline, patience, endurance, and being obedient. As a Christian, we need to be engaged in striving earnestly in increasing the following:

  • Righteousness – Conformity to the will of God.
  • Godliness – “Reverent awareness of God’s sovereignty over every aspect of life, and the attendant determination to honor him in all one’s conduct. Godliness depends on knowing God’s revealed truth.” www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary.
  • Faith – Requires trust in believing God will do what He says. Jesus teaches and gives a tender rebuke for worry, for anxiety, “Oh you, of little faith!” in Matt. 6:30 and Luke 12:28.
  • Love – Seeking the welfare of all and looking for opportunities in doing good to all unselfishly and ready to serve. Kindness.
  • Endurance – Being steadfast, patient, internal fortitude, withstanding and enduring a difficult process or situation without giving up. Having persistence, tenacity, and staying power to withstand stress and hardships.
  • Gentleness – Requires kindness, the goodness of heart, gracious, not acting or sounding harsh, and showing empathy. Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” God teaches and corrects us with gentleness, and is a fruit of the Spirit, listed in Galatians 5:22-23.

Pursuing these six areas takes work, training, maybe sacrificing on our part, and continuing to do what we know is right despite circumstances. 1 Timothy 6:12 concludes this instruction from Paul to Timothy, as he stated, (The Haweis New Testament version): “Strain every nerve in the noble conflict of faith, lay fast hold on eternal life . . .” Then The Message version states it this way, 1 Tim. 6:10-12, “Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after. But you, Timothy, man of God: Run for your life from all this. Pursue a righteous life – a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.” The lesson here is to be content. Does your ambition have anything to do with covetousness? Pursuing success can be an idol. Don’t let the enemy cloud your thinking. Keep focused on the fact that God sees you, He knows your name, and Jesus Christ could come back today!

Listen to King & Country – For God Is With Us (Official Music Video 9/24/2021).

A Never-Ending Lasting Benefit

1 Timothy 4:8, “For while bodily training is of some value in every way, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

I enjoy walking and taking in God’s creation, seeing the green leaves on the trees, squirrels, and birds along my walking path, the sunshine and blue sky, and our mountains along the horizon. I have a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. But it takes consistent effort in helping me be physically fit. Similarly, one’s spiritual development, producing spiritual health, godliness, takes constant effort. It takes input of our time with the Lord, yet it has long-lasting benefits for today and forever – eternal, transforming benefits.

Paul’s parallel verse to 1 Timothy 4:8 is found in 1 Timothy 6:6, “Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment.” A good self-examining question to ask oneself is, am I always content with what God has given me? What gives me great satisfaction? How often don’t I complain about irritations I encounter and difficult people that don’t share the same values that I hold dear to me? But faith in God’s presence, protection, and provision will sustain and lead us through circumstances that are out of our control. He has promised that (Psalm 23, Psalm 25:9).

The definition of godliness in the Bible, according to www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary, is the “reverent awareness of God’s sovereignty over every aspect of life, and the attendant determination to honor him in all one’s conduct. Godliness depends on knowing God’s revealed truth. Paul speaks of “the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness.” Titus 1:1.” That is my desire. To read the truth in God’s Word, know it, hide it in my heart and mind, and apply it in honoring God in my conduct. It says in Hebrews 3:2,We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” I want to be a better display of the Lord’s presence since he is my rock, my redeemer, my fortress, my shield, my refuge, carrying me on to victory by spending time with Jesus Christ.

Being physically fit is important to our health. But the condition of our heart is a deeper need. The Message states 1 Timothy 4:8 this way, “Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.”

Listen to One of Those Days, Lord I’m lonely, I want to spend time with Jesus. From Joseph Cheetham-Wilkenson.

The Most Important Escape Plan

1 Timothy 2:3-4, “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of our God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Paul had just instructed Timothy to make it a priority to pray for all people and those in authority. In other words, put it on your To-Do List if you must remind yourself that you have a responsibility to pray for one another and those in leadership and governing positions to rule well. The Amplified Bible states it this way, “This [kind of praying] is good and acceptable and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who wishes all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge and recognition of the [divine] truth. Salvation is offered to everyone, but each individual must choose to accept or reject God’s gracious offer.” This was what Paul’s purpose and goal of his ministry were set on as he says in 1 Timothy 4:10, “For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” How did Paul instruct Timothy to do this? He explains it in 2 Timothy 2:24-26, “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” If you are in a planting seeds of the gospel, one-on-one situation, or in a teaching situation, listen intently to people’s questions and never fall into foolish debates.

Here we have instructions from Paul to help us know how to pray for the salvation of our loved ones, those in authority in government and other leadership positions, and all we encounter within our sphere of influence. Pray that they will come to know and understand the knowledge of the truth of the gospel. We need to not only be an expert, like a professor, in our position of employment, but recommend our Redeemer because we are an example of the gospel. It takes gentleness and patience which I often fall short of having. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and we need to mirror Christ and Christ’s image in order to be salt and light continually. The enemy will use conflict, fear, and frustrations to take our eyes off Christ. Don’t give him a seat at your table. Instead use weapons of Scripture to combat doubts, conflicts and what ifs, because you are a representative, an ambassador, a child of the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Yes, we are paying outrageous prices to fill up our cars with gas. Covid seems to be lessening somewhat, in the headlines in the news. There are new updates every minute on the Russia-Ukraine situation while the price of a barrel of oil is $107 today. Inflation rose 7.9% in February, a new 40-year high. Matthew 24:6-7 states, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed., for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”

Continue to pray for the knowledge of the truth of the gospel to be realized and accepted, for the salvation of souls in government, those in authority, and all in your sphere of influence. Put the name of the person(s) you are praying to repent from their sin and to believe and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, in 2 Timothy 2:26: “And they –  _______________ may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil . . . ” Remember, we that have Christ, have an eternal escape plan.

Listen to God So Loved Lyric Video by We The Kingdom.

What Is The First Thing To Always Do?

1 Timothy 2:1-2, “First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

What is your first most critical need right now? Something more substantial than simply a “desire.”  Jeremiah 33:3 states, “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” What don’t you know about this intense need?

A supplication is a request that becomes a prayer, recognizing the limits of yourself in contrast to the power of God, where you simply ask for something. As Paul taught Timothy, prayer should be a priority, and never stop praying for those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. We must never stop asking God to meet that need “of all people.”

Our insane unsettling political times are continually on our minds. I have a customer who is originally from Ukraine. His in-laws are in Kiev. He lost contact with them earlier this week as they went into their bomb shelter, and his heart is heavy in concern for them. I told him I would be praying for his wife’s family, as he shared his heartache. When I see pictures of current events happening in Ukraine, I pray for their safety and that they will hear and know what Jesus Christ did on the cross for them to have eternal life.

It is noteworthy that Paul says to pray for kings, in 1 Timothy 2, because, during this time, Nero was the most sinful and corrupt ruler, especially against Christians, who he had tortured. Paul was confined to house arrest in Rome during Nero’s reign. Nero commanded his own mother to be killed. She was assassinated after an unsuccessful attempt to drown her in a boat that was constructed to fall apart into pieces and failed to do so. He also had his brothers and his wife killed. Nero announced himself as the first among God’s chief enemies. Yet Paul taught to pray for kings and those in authority. Nero committed suicide at the age of 30 just as he was about to be captured due to his own government replacing him in power. Christians were found blameless, despite his persecutions against them, and the people realized Nero used them to cover his crimes. Compassion for the followers of Jesus, who had innocent conduct, led to a new wave of conversions. Could this be possible in our time as well? Something to pray about.

Paul also urged that gratitude, “thanksgiving,” be expressed to God when you are in prayer to Him. That helps to refocus our heart and mind onto God and off of the circumstance. No matter what, God is in control. Pray out loud verses glorifying God and His power. “God, you are my refuge and strength! Your presence never leaves me. You are my only help in trouble. Therefore, I am secure in You, my fortress.” Psalm 46:1, is one example. A calm attitude will result due to God’s provision of peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Paul taught Timothy to pray for kings and all in high positions. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary New Testament says it well: “What if we looked at politics today believing that it is God who is truly on the throne? Wouldn’t that be a radical concept for Christians? Yes, we have a responsibility to pray and to make supplications. But we are also to give thanks for all men no matter what side of the political spectrum they represent, for all rulers are used by God to fulfill prophecy and to accomplish His will ultimately.” That statement is something to digest. All leaders are subject to the God to whom we pray. For them to come under the hearing of the gospel should be our (my) continual prayer (Romans 13:6), all the while continuing to live a holy behavior, with integrity, before all people. Isaiah 57:21 declares, “There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

The Message states 1 Timothy 2:1-3 this way, “The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.” So, learning from Paul’s encouragement and instruction to Timothy, what is the first thing we need to do today? Pray, make it your priority to pray for the saved, the unsaved, for enemies as well as friends, and those in authority. Draw near, speak intimately, asking God to meet needs. One day soon, Christ is returning. Matthew 24:36, “Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Be ready.

Listen to Natlie Grant’s Praise You In This Storm (Official Lyric Video) 6/16/2020.

What Are Your Credentials?

1 Timothy 1:13-14,Though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

Paul had a complete transformation in his life when God revealed His Son to him (Galatians 1:15). Paul states in 1 Corinthians 9:1 that he saw and had seen Jesus Christ, who called him to be an apostle. But previously, at the stoning of Stephen, Paul, whose name was Saul at that time, was right there, watching and congratulating the killers (Acts 7:57-60). His conversion to Christ is recorded in Acts 9. His life changed from persecuting Christians to being the first to bring the gospel to non-Jews. Paul referred to himself as the foremost sinner (1Tim. 1:15 ESV) and in the HCSB he is called the worst of them. Later, Paul is known as “the apostle of grace” (“A Man of Grace and Grit. Paul.” Charles R. Swindoll, p. 4) because God liberated Paul’s life, his credentials, to be used for His glory.

Who do you see acting “ignorantly in unbelief?” That’s an easy question to answer and name names because we live in a sinful world. But Paul’s encounter with meeting Christ changed his whole life. It was more than a pivot! I am praying specifically, for ten people, due to their unbelief in God, to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior before it is too late. Look how God used Paul who faithfully focused on the eternal no matter what the circumstances. Criticisms never sidetracked him from his focus on Christ and spreading the gospel.

Paul said he used to be an “insolent opponent” to Christianity. Synonyms for “insolent” are rude, impolite, discourteous, disrespectful, insubordinate, audacious, bold, brash, insulting, and offensive. Promoting fear through dominating manipulation and arrogance is the leading voice style they promote. Know someone like that? No matter how we are treated, we need (I need) to mirror Christ. Then, if I am reflecting Christ, I need to show mercy and grace with the faith and love I have in Christ Jesus. That has not been my natural bent. If I am reflecting and mirroring Christ, I would be a better testimony of the power of Jesus Christ’s work in my own life.

The Message states 1 Timothy 1:13-14 this way, “I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. The only credentials I brought to it were violence and witch hunts and arrogance. But I was treated mercifully because I didn’t know what I was doing – didn’t know Who I was doing it against! Grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. And all because of Jesus.”

Paul had a new beginning when he met Jesus Christ. His past was the past when God gave him a new name from Saul to Paul. Do you suffer from shame of your past? If you have confessed any sin involved, then God has forgiven you and given you His grace and mercy. Do you have regrets and are burdened with guilt, shame, frustration, and feelings of failure? Are you badgered with saying, “Oh, I am never going to make it! Or how will I ever get through this?” Stop. Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table. Repeat these words, “I am dispatched by the Holy Spirit, on Kingdom assignments, to be light in a darkened world, so others can see Jesus.” Louie Giglio, YouTube, Passion City Church sermon 5/17/21, Passion City Church, and hard copy book, Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table. It’s Time To Win The Battle Of Your Mind. 2021. W. Publishing. Be obedient. Be faithful.

What are your credentials with God? Take hold of the grace of our Lord and heavenly father, overflowing for you with faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Stand firm; persevere because God is with you and is your great shepherd. If God can change a murderous man like Saul of Tarsus into a Paul who preached and taught the message of grace, you have all the credentials that you need. You are a child of the King who is one day closer to home!

Listen to Mercy, Blessed (Official Lyric Video).

Questions To Ask Before Your Head Hits The Pillow At Night

1 Timothy 1:5, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith.”

Paul wrote 1 Timothy to “my child in the faith,” as he states in 1 Timothy 1:2. Paul wrote to give Timothy encouragement and instruction concerning issues in the church, such as false teachings and how Christians are to behave. He told Timothy to command whatever is contrary to the truth found in Scriptures and trivial and divisive myths to stop because that does not promote God’s work – which is by faith. Paul continually emphasizes that behavior should be shaped by living out the gospel. One’s beliefs and behavior should go hand in hand. Our faith should show a continual growth in holiness, from having a pure heart, as Paul states in 2 Timothy 2:22, “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” What are the values that you model- what does that look like?

Paul admonished Timothy to have a good conscience. 1 Peter 3:16 states, “Having a good conscience, so that when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” Honesty, having strong moral principles, trustworthiness, ethics are all definitions of integrity and are closely related to having a good conscience. Job was described as a man of integrity; he never gave up despite feeling discouraged, despairing, and not understanding his hard circumstances. His confidence in God carried him through. There is a quote from basketball coach John Wooden that applies: “Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

The question I must ask myself before my head hits the pillow: How is my life reflecting and living out the gospel? What did I do correctly, and what should I have not done in my reactions, tendencies, and statements I made? What sin needs to be confessed? Has there been any anger, resentment, or offensive behavior restricting worshipping God in my prayers to Him?

Next question – Do I have a clear conscience, or have I said or done some things that I am guilty of not showing love by valuing people I interacted with today? How did I pursue self-control, righteousness, faith, love, and peace? That seems to be my challenge currently. Therefore, did I allow the enemy a seat at my table? Guard your heart and mind with God’s truth. The enemy will try to convince you that someone else has it better than you do. You are not good enough. You are not smart enough. You are never going to make it! However, never doubt the character of God. Psalm 23:4a declares, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

J.B. Phillips New Testament states it this way of 1 Timothy 1:5-7, “The ultimate aim of the Christian minister is to produce the love which springs from a pure heart, a good conscience and a genuine faith. Some seem to have forgotten this and to have lost themselves in endless words. They want a reputation as teachers of the Law, yet they fail to realize the meaning of their own words, still less of the subject they are so dogmatic about.” Words hold power. It is one thing to know the Word of God, and it is another to live it out. Before your head hits the pillow tonight, make sure you have a good conscience, and your values are being lived out in your faith in Christ alone. This will take a lifetime to pursue and perfect as you remain steadfast and abide in God’s presence, protection, and provision, one day at a time. Love others due to having a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith that is genuine.

Listen to Casting Crowns Desert Road (Lyrics) 1/14/2022

Be A Well-Doer Liberator

2 Thessalonians 3:13, “As for you brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.”

Live according to the gospel enthusiastically.

Do you ever question, as you strive to grow in your relationship with the Lord and do good intentionally, if what you are doing is worth it, and does it matter to anyone? You want to be an influencer and be of benefit, but seeing the results is requiring more patience than you might have. Maybe you feel that you are the only one pulling your weight and your efforts seem useless. You are looking for immediate gratification and where is it?

David Guzik’s Commentary states: “The older King James Version has this, be not weary in well-doing. There is plenty of well-wishing in the world. Well-resolving, well-suggesting, and well-criticizing are also found in plenty. Many people are good at well-talking, but there is not enough of simple well-doing.” Doing an excellent full day’s work, working past 5:00 PM, may be necessary. Then, we have to take care of our home by vacuuming, cleaning the floors, dusting the furniture, scrubbing sinks, and doing the laundry and dishes, and be creative in making dinner; if we do them as seeking to serve God, He sees, and that is called obedience. When you give a word of affirmation, you are a well-doer. It just doesn’t have to all be done in one day. Even though we feel exhausted from the day’s responsibilities and tasks, if we remember that all we have is one day at a time and it is a provision from God, we need to thank the giver because He knows, He sees, and He is faithful.

The parallel verse of 2 Thess. 3:13, is Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” The NASV says “And let us not lose heart in doing good. As 1 Corinthians 15:58 also states, “Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” The NLT states, “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” That is a verse to pray when you wonder if your efforts are appreciated or not. Ask yourself, what does God want me to do today? Do that and do it intentionally and enthusiastically.

When you need more peace and quietness, draw upon Isaiah 32:17, “And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.” True peace and quiet is not found in an extended vacation, although that might be helpful. Peace and quietness within is the result of having a righteous heart. As you confess any sin and allow the Lord to change your life, you will have the indwelling of quietness, peace, and assurance, independent of your circumstances.

The MSG says 2 Thessalonians 3:13 this way, “Friends, don’t slack off in doing your duty.” It is easy to be discouraged if you don’t see any results from the fruit of your hard work. So what should then your game plan be? 1.) “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.John 15:4-5. 2) Shift your thinking from impact to God. “Take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5b.

Do things well and to the best of your ability. Be obedient to God. Then leave the results with Him. God loves you not because of what you can do. He created you and did so in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Keep on keeping on – your efforts are not futile. Do whatever you do well as unto the Lord. God will reward. God is faithful and “will not forget your work and labor of love (Hebrews 6:10).” Well-suggesting, well-criticizing, well-talking are all dominant actions rather than liberating actions. Be a liberator by being a well-doer. Invest in eternity in your time, money, and abilities. Influence people for Christ because of what He has done for you. Live according to God’s Word, enthusiastically, intentionally, and purposefully. God will reward and will bless you for your efforts if you do it for Him. Count on the Lord’s presence, protection, and provision. Do not be weary, abide in Christ, do not lose heart. A sage woman once told me, “Linda, sometimes the best thing to do is absolutely nothing. Be patient and do nothing right now.” I recall her words frequently. Abide in Christ. Be a well-doer liberator, and keep on keeping on doing what is right.

Listen to Casting Crowns Only Jesus (Lyrics)

Come Take His Hand

2 Thessalonians 3:5, “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

What is your core need right now? Do you need wisdom, direction, encouragement, physical or more emotional strength, or what about patience with endurance and perseverance? Maybe a combination of them all? Paul prayed for the Thessalonians to be directed to “the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” The Message says it this way, “May the Master take you by the hand and lead you along the path of God’s love and Christ’s endurance.” The New Living Translation version says, “May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.”

I have recognized some of these needs recently, while having Covid. If you have gone through this, you know what I am talking about. My hope was set each day in arriving at day five, and then day ten, having the end of this in sight. I came to the realization, after meditating on 1 Thess. 3:5, that it was another means of God teaching me about the love of God and His sure grip on my life from knowing His presence, protection, provision, and the patience of Christ. Patience is not one of my strong points. Yet I have witnessed His expression of tender and gentle love for me when I need His guidance, have a craving, longing, or deep want of some kind, and acknowledge His patience. As Isaiah 55:11 NIV states, “The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” What a great verse to pray!

We all go through various seasons of life. We all revel and enjoy the mountain top experiences. But the barren wilderness episodes leave us wanting to escape and long for a breakthrough. We want to look like the well-watered flowers one sees at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, or the Botanical Gardens in La Mirada. We want spiritual maturity to be present in us automatically, like turning on the microwave to reheat a plate of food. Stability, perseverance, endurance, patience, God works in us through our cooperation with His will in our obedience to His Word. David prayed in 1 Chronicles 29:18, “Keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to you.”

We all are needing to exercise patience in being ready for Christ’s return with courage and consistency as this world is not our permanent address. This is where our happiness is found and where we will find God’s love made perfect. Until then, each of us is here for a reason: to glorify God and to share Christ’s message of salvation. Jon Courson has said in his NT Commentary: “The only way we can have the patience of Christ is by waiting for Him, knowing we’ll soon be with Him. I have observed that the most peaceful, patient, and contented people are those who truly live in the expectation of Jesus’ return.”

Love and patience, endurance – being steadfast, essential qualities needed more and more for spiritual stability and strength, just as the Thessalonians needed. “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” 2 Thess. 3:5 NIV. Come, take His hand.

Listen to the Healer (Official Lyric Video) by Casting Crowns. 12/3/21.

Bring About, Execute, Put In Place, Validate – On An Ongoing Basis

2 Thessalonians 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.”

Paul uses the word “But” in the beginning of verse three. “The Cambridge Dictionary states that we use but to link items which are the same grammatical type. But is used to connect ideas that contrast.” Paul had just stated that not all have faith. He contrasts how the unbelievers lack of faith is in contrast to God’s faithfulness in guarding them against Satan’s schemes of attacking them (Luke 22:31-32). In Jesus’s High Priestly prayer in John 17:5, Jesus prayed “ . . . keep them from the evil one.” The Lord is faithful in His protection, provision, and presence. Think about how God has God demonstrated His faithfulness to you recently, and in the past.

When we see God’s faithfulness in action, it confirms, strengthens, brings about, fulfills, executes, puts in place, and validates God’s character. It establishes us to stand strong and to stand firm. Acts 3:16 states, “And his name – by faith in his name – has made strong.” Then in Romans 16:25, Paul summarizes, “Now to him who is able to strengthen you” and in 1 Thessalonians 3:13, “establish your hearts.” Then in Colossians 2:7, we read, “Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

When I successfully handle a problem within my job or acquire new business, it helps establish my role and reputation within my industry and acquiring my personal sales goals. Training in sports requires hard work, endurance, and stamina to become stronger and more physically adept at winning. An established athlete’s training goals help push them to a whole new level. Achieving success takes effort and determination to boost their confidence in upcoming competitions. Think about the word “establish.” How is God establishing you in your role within your family, friends, ministry, and work? Who is God using to help nurture and come along beside you? Who could use your wisdom and knowledge learned to coach or mentor? Do you realize you have influence right where God has placed you?

We all fail many times. But God is faithful, and we can have confidence in His presence, protection, and provision. Keep on being “steady and determined in your faith despite all the hard times that have broadsided you.” 1 Thess. 1:3 MSG. Live in the light of Christ’s return. Are you finding yourself in a “but God” moment that you are experiencing out-of-control harsh circumstances? Are you praying for a breakthrough? Keep a journal of your thoughts. Write down all the impossibilities and hand them over to God. Right here is an up-and-coming “But God” moment. God wants obedience even when we don’t get it. He wants us to trust Him and live out Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” God is in control, and He is faithful. Remember how He remembered Noah and saved his family and animals in the ark during the flood, parted the Red Sea, calmed the storm with the waves going over the boat (Matt. 8:24-26), and protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? God wants obedience and for us to act on whatever amount of faith we have. No matter what is going on, remember “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” 2 Thess. 3:3.

Listen to We Are Messengers Faith Sees Best In The Dark (Official Lyric Video) October 14, 2021.