When We Report To Headquarters

2 Corinthians 5:9-10, “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”

Paul, in his day, had many cultural, economic, and ministry issues, much like we see and experience today. He was in the midst of much conflict wherever he taught and preached. The Judaizers were continually speaking in a degrading way against Paul and were putting him down and challenged his apostleship. However, Paul didn’t have commentators via Twitter and Facebook, bombarding him with continual prideful, argumentative, hateful, and accusatory attacking commentators, on both sides denouncing his viewpoints. Can you imagine what Paul’s enemies comments would have stated against him over the media sites?

Instead, Paul’s driving purpose and passion, behind his life’s motivation was to be pleasing to God no matter what. He kept that goal always before him.  So often, I get distracted by the conflict, unloving accusatory words, and by other people’s actions that I disagree with – do you? As a woman, are you able to put those things in a drawer, compartmentalize it, and leave them there? I have trouble doing that. So I have to direct my thoughts back to self-examination concerning, “Am I pleasing or displeasing God in my efforts?” That’s it.

What incidents have triggered your conversational emotional reactions this week? How do you build discipline in your responsive dialogue? Men are unique in that they use humor to try and squelch anger in a heated moment. Have you noticed that? That doesn’t work with us women so well. We tend to fume and relive those bruses in our mind.

But more importantly, when we Christians appear before the judgment seat of Christ (known as the bema seat of Christ), where the motives of our works will be judged, the true character of our actions will be exposed. I have to ask myself, how faithful am I to the responsibilities that God has given to me now? Am I pleasing or displeasing God? Will this instance that has me so upset matter a month from now, let alone in eternity? That is what kept Paul focused on his purpose in life. He didn’t want his stupidity or sin to hurt God. Neither do I.

Here is a quote from Alexander MacLaren, who was an English non-conformist minister (Feb. 11, 1826 – May 5, 1910)  that says it all: “You report to headquarters. Never mind what anybody else thinks of you. Your business is to please Christ, and the less you trouble yourselves about pleasing men, the more you will succeed in doing it.” 

Listen to Mercy Me’s Almost Home. Lyric Video by InBeautifulChaos.

Motivation For Courage And Confidence

2 Corinthians 5:5-8, “He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”

Would you say you have performed with courage this past week?  Have fears, worries, doubting self-worth, thinking you are stupid, and seeds of uncertainty been nibbling at your mind, so thoughts of defeat have taken root? I think this might effect us women more than men, generally speaking.

How have you had to exercise your faith this week? I have the same struggles. Paul did as well, but he was determined to keep the goal of continually pleasing Christ first because he was assured he would be rewarded eternally in heaven, as he stated in 2 Cor. 4:16-18, “These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us (The MSG).”

The ESV uses the word “courage” in 2 Corinthians 5:6 & 8. The  NIV and the HCSB both use the word “confidence.” Have you been able to perform courageously and confidently this week in modeling godliness? How about during times of conflict within your workplace or in other areas? That is a big one for me. Since you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you (1Cor. 1:22), you have a holy and high royal ranking. God gave us the Holy Spirit, our comforter, which is the guarantee of a down payment to our future inheritance. The presence of the Holy Spirit in Paul’s life gave him courage for the conflict, which gave him confidence that God was at work in him, and would continue His work (Phil. 1:6), so Paul did not lose heart. He viewed his final destination as his motivation to keep on keeping on and wanted to hear the Lord say to him , “Well done (Lk. 19:17)!”

Ask God for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit within you, if you are wrestling with feelings of insecurity, or other struggles. Recite 2 Cor. 5:5-8 out loud and where you find the word “us” or “we” replace it with your name.

Stand up straight. Ask God to fight your battles. Always be of good courage. Walk by faith, not by sight, in every daily activity. God is preparing a mansion for you, and in heaven, there will be no cramped living conditions! Take courage and grab onto the security that God has redeemed you and knows your name (Isa. 43:1). Today you are one day closer to seeing the glory that will be revealed to us in heaven than it was yesterday.

God wants to show you things in His Word that will transform your life as you draw close to Him. Then you will automatically have the courage to walk by faith and not only by sight. Write down in your journal verses that will help you live out the specifics of your life. I want to share one with you that gave me “good courage” just this week, Isaiah 52:12, “For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight, for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”

What verse(s) have given you “good courage?” How have you been challenged this week? Break the chains, crushing every stronghold from being in God’s presence.

Listen on YouTube to Natalie Grant – My Weapon (Sacred Version) (Official Music Video). Let the words of this song sink into your heart, as it has spoken to me this week.

Don’t Quit – Don’t Give Up

2 Corinthians 4:16-18, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comprehension, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

You know how it is when you are going through a trial, and you feel that it is going to last forever. You are stuck in the muck of the dilemma of the affliction of the consequence. Oz Hillman, who speaks and writes a daily devotional for Kingdom business leaders called “Today God Is First,” has termed this as having “a Joseph calling upon your life.” Joseph was 17 when his brothers threw him into a pit and then sold him to the Ismaelites, as a slave, who took him to Egypt. Then later Joseph was falsely accused of exploiting Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. But the LORD was with Joseph in each crisis. Genesis 39:23b states, “. . . because the LORD was with him. And whatever he did, the LORD made it succeed.” It wasn’t until Joseph was 30 years old that he rose to power as governor. Joseph’s preparation in the pit and in prison was used as the training ground for the perspective of God’s purpose and calling upon his life. It required the benefits of solitude and silence. Joseph had a forced Biblical retreat in that cell of confinement. His suffering time was necessary for him to learn what God needed to teach him as a future leader, chosen by God. In the end, Pharaoh recognized Joseph was a man “in whom is the Spirit of God (Gen. 41:48).”

It is always easier to quit and give up when conflicts occur in our relationships at work or with family. I look at Paul as an example of someone who relied on God and the Holy Spirit’s strength (Ephe. 3:16) when persecution wore him down because he believed that the trial would allow the power of God to be revealed.

Be aware that whenever you are fatigued, feeling overwhelmed, and are falling apart, that is when Satan will try to catch you unaware of his temptations in questioning and doubting your worth. Sometimes it comes in the form of criticism, pain, conflicts, and when you require more sleep. Does that ring a bell?

Paul quoted Psalm 116:10 in verse 13, “I speak that which I believe – that the Lord will raise us up, that all things will work out for his glory.” This same concept is in Hebrews 13:5&6, “. . . for he hath said I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” I have to speak out loud to myself these words of truth that God is in control when I feel everything about me is out of control. God loves me and knows my name; therefore, He will never leave me and will work it out for His glory! It is a work that is not temporal, but for eternity and is doing some heavy work on me. Is God doing some heavy work on you right now?

How is God shining His light on you so others can see the reality of your faith?

Kind words, acts of kindness, giving wise advice are ways the Holy Spirit can shine His light through you to others. Those are simple, every day actions you can do in reflecting God’s mercy and grace in your own life.

Don’t quit. When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, you are not at the end of your hope. You have the power of God, the treasure of His Holy Spirit, living inside of you, and no one can take that away!

One final thought, from Chuck Swindoll, a quote from his book, “A Man Of Grit And Grace, Paul” – “God prepares us during times when the whole world seems to be going on without us. He patiently deliberately, steadily, molds us in the shadows, so that we might be properly prepared for later years when He chooses to use us in the spotlight.”

Be strong. Don’t give up and don’t quit. Pray for God to make you of benefit in the calling He has on your life and to astound you with His grace, power, and might.

Listen to For King & Country’s song on YouTube, Shoulders – Lyrics On Screen.

You Hold A Treasure Inside Of You

2 Corinthians 4:7-9, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed.”

Paul is an example of a man that experienced tremendous pressures. He was falsely accused regarding his character, was hunted by 40 men who conspired to kill him, was unjustly put in prison, and yet remained steadfast in holding onto his faith and trust in God’s power in his life despite adversity. He said twice in 1 Cor. 4, that “we do not give up (vv1,16). Paul rested in the fact that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead would enable him to endure adversity. He was the mentor of mentors. Paul’s attitude was that the trial would allow the power of God to be revealed because he couldn’t do it on his own abilities and strength, but God could meet every one of his needs and bring victory. I don’t think I always look at the hard situations I am in (there were several just this week), with that perspective. Do you?

Did you ever picture your salvation and the fact that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you as being a treasure inside a piece of pottery, a clay pot? Jars of clay and earthenware dishes were standard during the time of the Corinthians and Paul. They were not very durable, were inexpensive, fragile, and served a purpose even though they were simply a standard container. Think about that for a moment. God places the richness of His Son and the light of the understanding and knowledge of Jesus, into the jar of clay of our lives and is not embarrassed to use clay pots like you and like me, who are sinners saved by grace.

 “It was a piano craftsman Theodore Steinway who said that it is the forty thousand pounds of pressure exerted on the two hundred forty-five strings of a piano that creates beautiful harmony. Sometimes it is only the pressure, the persecution we undergo that causes a song to resonate in the hearts of those with whom we share.” Jon Courson’s Application Commentary, New Testament.

The Message sums up the meaning of these verses so eloquently: “If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That’s to prevent anyone from confusing God’s incomparable power with us. As it is, there’s not much chance of that. You know for yourselves that we’re not much to look at. We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do.”

Remember, you are a messenger proclaiming Jesus Christ, who shines the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, reflected in the face of Jesus, through your heart. It is not about us, it is always about Jesus. Sometimes our silence in a group at work will speak more than our spoken words. Words we choose not to use will shine light into the atmosphere at our workplace, as God will use us even if we feel like a cracked jar of clay pottery.

Helen Mitchell (Professor at Biola, author, coach, Faith@Work Strategist), our first speaker at the Fellowship Of Women In The Workplace, at Crossroads Community Church this past Monday night, stated, “You are the highest-ranking individual wherever you go. You carry the Holy Spirit inside of you when you go to work or go to the grocery store. So pray for the people you see!” Remember throughout your day today, that you possess the most significant treasure inside of you as you apply 2 Cor. 4:7-9 in your life.

Listen to Casting Crowns song Nobody (lyrics) YouTube.

What Do You See In Your Mirror?

2 Corinthians 3:18, “And we all with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

How has it looked like in your life, in being transformed to become more like Jesus? Did you notice the process of sanctification doesn’t come instantly? I have realized God’s perspective is not always mine, because I cannot see the whole picture clearly, compared to looking into a mirror and seeing my entire face looking back at me.

Spiritually, unbelievers have a veil over their heart, blocking them from seeing Jesus, their Messiah. I have four people from my work that I am praying for to come to accept the gospel; God’s free gift of salvation through His son Jesus Christ. I pray that the veil that separates them from seeing Jesus and His work for them will be lifted as they see God’s work in my life, and that I will not get in the way of that happening. I need to place my faith in God’s power to fight my battles when I disagree with internal office support within my job.

Every time we read God’s Word, we need to ask the question, how is what I am reading, changing my life for today? We should leave with our face radiant, changed from within, reflecting God’s glory on the outside because we have spent time with Jesus. Increasing in the glory of God’s love, peace, grace, joy, and righteousness should be the transforming result from solely drawing upon the Lord while having to endure the day to day muddy messes. I have to ask myself, as I look in the mirror, am I getting it? Am I growing in love for others? What about inward peace and joy? If I don’t feel joyful, what is getting in the way? Probably guilt, shame, frustration, and feelings of failure, and who is responsible for that havoc?

There are no magic words that will change us or our circumstances – only Jesus. “And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives, and we become like him.” 2 Cor. 3:18 MSG.

I am waiting with anticipation when I can say like David, “And I shall be satisfied, when I awake, in His likeness.” Psalm 17:15.

Listen to Jordan Feliz – Changed – YouTube. This song has been going through my mind this week and always puts a smile on my face. My feet can’t stay still listening to the music and lyrics of this song.

Needing Any Confidence?

2 Corinthians 3:4, 5: “Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.”

I was talking recently with my brother-in-Christ, Oscar, who is a member of the sales team I am a part of at my work, about the subject of pride and the need to continually draw on the sufficiency of God – El Shaddai. We agreed that in our job roles, there is a fine line regarding being prideful when sharing about our success in sales, and just every day being excited about seeing positive, successful results due to God’s blessings, and our need to rely totally on Him for results. Sometimes we might appear to be boastful, but Paul never was. Paul knew that what he had written in his letters to the Corinthian believers might sound proud, and he defended himself against those false accusations, but Paul’s heart and focus in his ministry, was always on Jesus, and not himself. Because of Paul’s ministry, many of the Corinthians had changed lives and were still evolving and being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. That was the proof of Paul’s authenticity of his calling as an apostle.

Paul was a brilliant and highly educated man, yet he taught with simplicity and godly sincerity. Paul knew God was using and enabling him with competence to inform others of the truth of God’s Word. Paul believed in the power of God to miraculously change people’s lives, and not from mere miraculous signs of healing, lived what he taught, and left the results to God.

So how do we go about our role in our workplace in trusting and having faith in God’s sufficiency in using us to be of impact and benefit to our company and to be a witness for Christ? When it comes to one’s faith, the way we live, speaks louder than words. Doing more than just enough, doing your tasks thoroughly and on time, being honest, having pure speech, delivering excellent quality of work, and people will know you are a Christian. It takes work.

Spurgeon has said, “Our sufficiency is of God; let us practically enjoy this truth. We are poor, leaking vessels, and the only way for us to keep full is to put our pitcher under the perpetual flow of boundless grace. Then, despite its leakage, the cup will always be full to the brim.”

Do you realize God has a purpose in you being at your particular place of employment, the age you are at, and family you were born into?

Are there times you feel inadequate? My hand is raised high! Pray for God to make you of benefit. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you enable your God-given natural talents to bridge the gap you feel enslaved in as you grab tightly to your hope and faith and focus on Jesus.

As Paul has said, in 2 Cor. 3:4, 5, “our sufficiency is from God,” and by His grace alone. We may feel inadequate, not trained enough, not excelling in abilities, or experience. Paul, Moses, Jeremiah, David, and many others admitted feelings of fear at times but they remained steadfast in the grace God freely given and they all gave God credit for any accomplishments made. We can also rest in the sufficiency of God as we place our faith and strength confidently in God’s power to fight our battles. So how will you respond?

Listen to Lauren Daigle – You Say (Official Music Video).

An Exquisite Fragrance

2 Corinthians 2:15-16: “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things?”

Did you ever think of yourself, as a Christian, that you have “the aroma of Christ” about you to other Christians and to those that have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior? I have just returned from having my annual major sales team meeting this past week, and I wanted to plant this verse in my mind to take with me for these two days away from home. I wanted to remind myself that it is not so much in what I do but in my manner of doing my job.

My fragrant fragrance is lavender. When I buy a candle, it has typically been the fragrance of lavender. It is soothing, relaxing, inspiring, and has calming effects for me when I burn a lavender candle. I also have a good size lavender plant growing in my front yard. When I trimmed it last week, I could smell the lavender scent coming from the essential oils captured in the flowers and in the stems from the plant. That natural fragrance makes me smile.

Incense was commonly used back in Bible times in the Roman triumphal parades. Priests would walk beside the procession, swinging their incense pots to create a sweet aroma of victory as the procession headed to the arena where the captives were made to be entertainment to the crowds, in being made to do battle against wild beasts. Paul used this image, from the Roman world, in picturing aroma and fragrance is like the knowledge of God, which, when the triumphal show passed by, people could smell the scent of the incense – the fragrance. David Guzak’s commentary quoted F.B. Meyer by saying, “There is nothing we remember more strongly than pleasant smells, except perhaps unpleasant smells. Thus the apostle wished that his life might be a sweet perfume, floating on the air, reminding me, and above all reminding God, of Christ. . . . It is the breath and fragrance of a life hidden with Christ in God, and deriving its aroma from fellowship with Him. Wrap the habits of your soul in the sweet lavender of your Lord’s character.”

Now when I smell the fragrance of lavender, it will have more meaning for me –representing eternal seeds planted and watered for a fragrance of life over death (our victory march) which will produce a lasting aroma of a life hidden in Christ. But Satan and his enemy forces are headed to the dreadful smell of death and doom, as Rev. 20:10 states, to the lake of fire.

We must be a living sermon before others, whetting their appetites, as we strive to be leading like Jesus, with the exquisite fragrance and aroma of Christ spreading everywhere.

Listen to Danny Gokey’s – Give Me Jesus (Live) YouTube video.

Don’t Be Outwitted

2 Corinthians 2:10-11: “Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, so that we would not be outwitted by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.”

Do you find it hard to forgive some sins and yet not other sins that people have committed? Do you have an imaginary list of which sins are tolerable compared to others? I think we all have been guilty of that sometime during our life. Then there is our modern-day culture that wants to be all-inclusive in diversity and not call sin what it is – sin.

Paul’s purpose in writing the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 2, was in admonishing the people to accept the repentance of a leader within the church. Paul was willing to forgive this offender that had come to repentance. Some believe this man had been living immorally and had led in a rebellion against Paul. But Paul told the people to follow his Christlike example of forgiveness and mercy. Then he pointed out a direct question in asking them if they were obedient in everything (2 Cor. 2:9)? That is a question I have to ask myself. How about you – can you relate? The reason Paul asked this question was to remind the Corinthians and warn them that any lack of forgiveness within a body of believers, Satan grabs onto to stir things up and will cause damage.

Strategies of temptations Satan uses to try and outwit Christians:

  • Withholding forgiveness
  • Lust or envy
  • Hopelessness
  • Despair

 It all started in the garden with Eve. As Pastor Todd (Crossroads Community Church) just said in a recent sermon, “Satan weaponizes doubt. Temptation works on our emotions and insights the will.”

How has your week been going so far? Did you ever stop and realize the negative effect stress has on our Christian testimony in bringing out the sin that is in our heart that we didn’t even realize was there? Satan tried that tactic on Paul. His strategy was to make Paul so stressed and upset over the Corinthian Christians that Paul would lose peace and would then become less effective in his ministry. But Paul was wise and wouldn’t allow that to happen and forgave the offender who belonged to the Corinthian church. Paul lived what he taught, did what he professed, and acknowledged he was living in the presence of Christ who knew everything he thought, did, and taught (2 Cor. 2:17; Joshua 1:9).

Have you asked the Holy Spirit to make you aware of Satan’s strategy against you right now?

What weak point in your life is Satan trying to exploit?

Do you have difficulty showing love to someone because of harboring hurts they have said or done against you in the past? Would you call it a grudge? I know I have been often guilty and tempted in not obeying 1 Cor. 13:4 where Paul states, “love . . . keeps no record of being wronged.” Paul had a clear conscience and a compassionate and forgiving heart because he had experienced God’s faithfulness and never compromised his belief that God is good.

My Grandma Helmers words ring out in my mind once again when she was alive and had warned me when I was a teenager, “To him that standeth, take heed lest he fall (1 Cor. 10:12 KJV).”

Lead like Jesus. Stay in the Word of God that will unmask Satan’s schemes with providing the counteracting truth. Be forgiving and don’t hold onto a grudge so the enemy does not outwit you with your bad attitude. “After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways.” 2 Corinthians 2:13 MSG.

Listen to We Are Messengers – Point To You – (Official Music Video).

Simplicity And Godly Sincerity

2 Corinthians 1:12: “For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the Grace of God and supremely so toward you.”

Do you have compassion for people? Paul did in his ministry. Paul did so, he says, with “simplicity and godly sincerity.“ The word “sincere” comes from a Latin phrase meaning “without wax” – referring to the wax used to hide the cracks in defective pottery or statuary (sculpture).” Jon Courson’s Application Commentary New Testament. When a person has integrity and has a clear conscience, that person can be trusted because they have nothing to hide.

Paul’s conscience was clear before God. He defended himself to the Corinthians, in having to change his plans in not being able to visit them. But that did not silence the opposition against him. Paul explained to them that he was not fickle and was always reliable. The Corinthians had falsely accused Paul of being proud, self-serving, untrustworthy and many other derogatory critical accusations against his character and integrity. “Paul decided that another meeting with the Corinthians would only cause more pain for everyone so he decided to address the issues in a follow-up letter – sometimes called the lost letter. Even though Paul wrote “with many tears out of an extremely troubled and anguished heart “(2 Cor. 2:4), he was once again misunderstood and rebuffed.” Gene Getz. Paul examined his own heart and conscience before God and stated he could write with a guiltless conscience and sincerity. Paul kept his focus on the truth of God and stated: “It was God who kept us focused on him, uncompromised,2 Cor. 1:12-13 MSG.

We need to be real and have specific actions and discernment between what is right and wrong in daily living before others. Our efforts must be beyond reproach in our day to day relationships where God has placed us. Our integrity must speak for us, as it did for Paul (Acts 23:1), who lived his life before God in all good conscience (1 Cor. 15:9-10, 1 Tim. 1:12-17).

I attended a trade organization work meeting this week near LAX. The speaker was a woman that has her own specialized skincare. She showed pictures of how she grew her business with the help of the Miss Universe contestants recently using it and other Red Carpet events. This woman has now opened three skin med spas in the Los Angeles area, all using her skincare line. I did not know that she is reported as being not only an entrepreneur but is a Christian. During her talk, she put up on the screen the verse Malachi 3:9-10, which is the most quoted verse on tithing. She stated to the room of about 75 or more attendees that this is what she bases her life on and then gave an illustration from this verse to explain herself more fully, and then continued on in her informative lecture. I found in my gift bag each attendee was given, the instructional card for using the “Secret Gold” (everyone was given a face cleanser and this “Secret Gold”) it has a verse on the bottom of the card, which is Jeremiah 29:11. This woman was not afraid to be a godly light before a crowd of people and to give God the glory for helping her bring her dream to fruition. She used simplicity and godly sincerity in her talk. I later checked out her company name on the web and read a magazine interview about her. She quoted more scripture during the interview and states she is involved in church planting and evangelism ministries in the Philippines. The magazine writer even quoted her saying that she starts everything in her business with prayer. When she formulates a new product, she prays for it in every step in its process of coming to fruition. This woman planted some gospel seeds at this industry meeting. Because of this woman’s testimony, it allowed me to ask a colleague that had attended this meeting with me, what she thought about the verses this woman had on the screen during her talk and asked if she saw a verse from the Bible on the bottom of the instructional card for her skin glow product? God used that work incident for me to plant some additional spiritual seeds. This enabled me to put “Work Is Worship” into practice.

What significant relationship challenges are you facing with people in your workplace?

What significant relationship challenges are you facing with family?

Paul put it all together – “simplicity and godly sincerity” is the key to living out our faith wherever we go. It doesn’t require using great big and impressive theological or philosophical terminology in conversations. Sometimes a smile and a hug goes a long ways. Make it simple (your faith), real, be transparent, show a personal interest in others, and be reliable. That will promote trust in the people you come in contact with regularly. Then doors will open to share your faith when the opportunity arises with simplicity and godly sincerity.

Listen to Sanctus Real – Jesus Love You (Official Music Video) YouTube – July 12, 2019.

Just For You

2 Corinthians 1:10-11: “He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.”

Do you ever wonder when you are going through a difficult time if anyone you know is praying for you? Paul shares he “was utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead (v. 9).” Paul could see how God had delivered him in the past, the present, so He would, therefore, do it in the future. That gave him hope, but he still asked the church to help him with their prayers, which were crucially needed so blessings would be received due to their faithful prayers for Paul’s ministry. The purpose of praying isn’t to change God’s mind but to glorify God and give thanks to Him. Prayer brings us closer to God and to others as we pray for them, we learn more about them.

Paul recognized the power of prayer. Paul’s effectiveness in ministry he credited to those very people who had prayed for him. Intercessory prayers bring abundant blessings, as it says in James 5:16: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Matthew 18:20 also declares: “For where two or three gather together are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

I have a gift box that I have placed on our mantle in our living room. I have a gift card taped to it that says: To: Steve and Linda and friends and family. From: God. Whenever we have received an answer to prayer, I write the date on a card and the description of what was prayed for and how God answered that prayer and place it inside this box. I just added two more cards two weeks ago, of something I had prayed for and God abundantly and surprisingly answered. This box contains a lot of history of God writing our story and the provision given by Jehovah-jireh – God who provides. This gift box represents to me the past, present, and brings hope for the future of God’s deliverance when needed, and the blessings granted.

What is on your prayer list for 2020? What is heavy on your heart?

Look at your past, present, and future:

  • Remember the trials you had a year ago? You probably thought it would never work out! I have a few of those memories myself. Now, look at where you are today. God saw you through.

I was going through shredding some old bank statements (remember when you used to receive bank statements in the mail) and came upon a copy of a check written out to my husband for payment of some work he had done, which neither he or I could remember. The bank stated on the check: “Returned for insufficient funds. Deposit into your account was not able to be completed.” I didn’t recognize the name on the check but the amount was for several hundreds of dollars. That was a visual example to me of how so often I forget past answers to prayers and think, “This is never going to work out! What are we going to do?” I had totally forgotten this incident. It was a vivid example of how God saw us through in the past, present, and will in the future. He is faithful.

God is in charge of the outcome. Not everything is as it seems.

“You and your prayers are part of the rescue operation . . .” 2 Cor. 1:11 MSG.

Listen to Lauren Daegle’s song on YouTube – Rescue, from the album Look Up Child.