Just Deal With It

2 Corinthians 1:3-4: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Do you currently need to be comforted and are once again in the wilderness school in life? The words “all comfort” in 2 Cor. 1:3-4, come from the Greek word paraklesis. It means more than merely soothing sympathy. It involves encouragement, solace, and consolation. The end results produce strengthening, helping, and making strong. This word appears 16 times in Paul’s letter (2 Cor. 1:3-7; 7:7-13). The Latin word for comfortfortis, also means “brave,” which is the idea behind communicating the meaning of paraklesis.

Paul had many cruel enemies. His life was continually in danger. Then there were people in the Corinthian church that doubted his apostleship and held him in low regard. Just like us, Paul had new burdens to bear every day. Therefore Paul knew the mercies and comfort of God intimately. That is why Paul used the words “grace and peace” in his greetings in his letters to these believers. Paul fought fear and anxiety by receiving God’s grace, which gave him peace. Paul experienced the comfort of God, genuinely, so was always looking for ways to serve others. He never wavered in believing in the faithfulness and goodness of God, despite the challenges Paul experienced throughout his lifetime.

How have you experienced the comfort of God during 2019? Was there a person that God used during a time of need whose words were paraklesis to you?

Have you noticed when you receive some bad and hurtful news and share it with people, some have comforting words, and others don’t? The ones that don’t tend not to bridge any gaps – merely say something to the effect, well, that is what it is – just deal with it. Yes, that is true, but it does not offer any soothing sympathy during your time of suffering and in need of compassion. Maybe their memory is lacking of the last time God faithfully comforted them. A.W. Tozer had said: “Before God can use a person greatly, He must allow that person to be hurt deeply.”

Did you ever feel like you were enrolled in “the wilderness school?” Moses and Paul were students of that school. Moses had a weakness of having a fear of rejection as a leader. Moses had to learn not to run and hide but be faithful in obedience to God, and to seek His help and encouragement in leading the children of Israel. Then there was Paul who saw his trials as an opportunity to grow stronger in His relationship with Christ and enabled him to be able to minister more effectively to others who were suffering and experiencing trials. Their wilderness experiences caused both of these men to become stronger and helped them grow spiritually in their relationship with God.

2 Cor. 1:3-4 is a crucial passage that gives us an understanding of how we will be able to minister to others more effectively that need comfort because God has encouraged us in our suffering, so we can, in turn, from learning perseverance and endurance, pass it onto someone else going through the same storms in life.

God is in charge of the outcome – we are not. When we have fully experienced God’s faithfulness – from walking with Him in our obedience, that is when God’s glory is revealed in our own life so we can pass the baton (instead of a javelin) to someone else in need of comfort. Scripture and prayer are our primary essential battle tools for sheep, and snakes still bite.

Be watchful. Be aware of someone who needs to be reassured of God’s faithfulness. You will be blessed with possessing those apples of gold words that are more than soothing sympathy that have resulted from the trials in your life. We all have gone through our own wilderness school at various times and God is now ready to use you to serve with compassion, as you minister to others that need your help and courage you have acquired.

Listen to King & Country’s YouTube song Shoulders (Official Music Video).

Catching That Javelin

2 Corinthians 1:2: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

It has been said that 2 Corinthians is the most personal of all the letters Paul ever wrote and is filled with deep emotion. “Grace to you,” was the typical Greek greeting. “And peace” was the typical Jewish greeting – Shalom, of Hebrew people. Paul greeted them both and was a peacemaker even in times of difficulty.

 Paul had complete confidence in God that if he was rejected, the reality was people were in actuality rejecting the gospel of Christ that Paul taught and preached, so he had the freedom not to take it personally. There were doctrinal errors within the church at Corinth and divisions as to which religious leader the people thought was better than the other (Apollos, Cephus, and Paul). Then there was a faction that had set themselves against Paul and was challenging his apostleship. So this is the setting of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians church.

When someone throws a sarcastic and degrading comment at me, I often take it personally. My feelings are hurt. I feel attacked and that I am not good enough. How about you? How would you rate yourself when that happens to you? My brain does not default to thinking about the fact that I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me at that moment. Yet Paul did. How did he do that so well? He was continually thankful for God’s grace and faithfulness that God richly had given to Paul. He lived in having the peace of God from experiencing the grace of God, and Paul believed it was sufficient.

Are you tempted to throw the javelin back at those that throw it to you? How do you handle conflict within a disagreement even if you are right? I have Psalm 19:14 written on a card on my desk which says: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”  That should be my focal point every day. Jon Courson, in his Application Commentary of 1 Cor. 2:2, has said: “I have also found that I can gauge my own spiritual state by the priority I give to defending my position, motives, or reputation; by how quick I am to throw the javelin back at those who threw it at me.” Ouch. How are you at throwing the javelin quickly back at those that throw it at you? I am often guilty.

Paul was eloquent in explaining certain things to the Corinthian congregation without firing at them in his word choices. He was firm with them but never lost his love for them. He was a leader to be modeled after.

There is no real and lasting peace without God’s grace. Shalom!

Listen to King & Country’s O God Forgive Us (Lyrics). 3.19 minutes.

Be Watchful, Be Strong, And Don’t Give Up!

1 Corinthians 16:13: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

That word “watchful” means to observe someone or something closely; be alert and vigilant. Paul was warning the Corinthians to be watchful for spiritual enemies that might try to cause harm with divisions, pride, sin, or erroneous theology. Oh, how our world is filled with hatred. Life is hard. We all face struggles in life: broken promises, conflict with family and friends, job and financial unknowns, health issues, financial setbacks. Yet Jesus commanded us to be like active soldiers, alert and vigilant in being prepared and expectant of Christ’s return (Matt. 24:42, 26:41, Mark 13:37). That is where our focus has to go back to while being a mature leader (leading like Jesus), persevering with the strength the Holy Spirit gives us, all the while being obedient in love. But I notice when I am under pressure, I often am triggered to react unloving. Do you ever have that problem?

In 1 Cor. 16:13, the ancient Greek word andrizomai was used. It is translated to mean – “act like a man.” It means to be brave – act with courage and strength in obedience to the Lord. A friend of mine often says; “OK, now it is time to put on our big boy pants!” I like this description. We are to recognize and not forget God’s divine power. I don’t always feel like being courageous. Do you ever feel like you need a cheerleader cheering you on so you get to the finish line? I do.

In 1 Peter 5:8 Peter warned us: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.” That is the reason we must put on our spiritual armor daily to stay defended in God’s wall of protection over us (Ephesians 6:11-18). We are to remain alert (be watchful) with all perseverance and be bathed in our spiritual weapons of warfare, which are rooted in prayer. That is our most powerful resource and part of our spiritual shield.

But sometimes we need help. We need a listening friend that can help lift our needs up to God in prayer and speak truth from God’s Word into our lives to dispel our fears. Fear will weaken and drain our energy and vitality. Have you been there? I have.

Think about the size of an oak tree or the trees in the Red Woods area. These trees are both tall and broad in diameter. The giant sequoia tree is considered the most robust tree on earth. But these all started as seedlings in their beginning. It took time to get to the size that they are today. It is also a fact that the most prominent trees are still susceptible to invasive pests. Their massive size does not keep them from being invulnerable. Lightning can always strike and burn any tree down as well. Their size does not protect them from environmental stress — the same with us. We may think we have come a long way and grown in the Lord, and our steadfastness has improved, but then some irritation arises and what is in our heart often comes out unexpectedly harsh and wrong, and we may then act like an immature child rather than an adult. Can you relate? I can.

I read recently about keeping a “trigger journal.” Keeping track at the end of the day of what triggers you to not always respond in a loving spirit – conversationally. I have started my “trigger journal.” I have found this to be very revealing and insightful regarding what has riled me – pushed my buttons. What would be on the pages of your “trigger journal?” Care to share?

The Message states 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 this way: “Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.” So we must watch out, stand fast, grow up, be strong, and don’t give up, all the while being loving. How can that be done? By purposefully living in Christ day by day, keep pressing on while being watchful for His return.

Listen to Mercy Me’s new song Almost Home Lyric Video.

Not Paid On A Commission Basis

1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.”

Those two words – steadfast and immovable, represent how we should live out daily our Christian faith. The HCSB version says “. . . be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work . . .” Our responsibility in serving Christ is not just for church or as a missionary in another country. It is in our daily duties in the workplace, as a parent, grandparent, and in our relationships with one another. Christ, in me, is an essential tool I often forget that I possess and it will have an impact on others. How about you?

In studying Romans and now 1 Corinthians, these past few months, the power of the gospel has been so clear to me that this is what transforms people’s lives – God’s Word. This has made a strong impression on me in realizing this concept that “work is worship” and that all work is sacred work. This is the motive, Eryka Groff and I have, in starting the “Fellowship of Women In The Workplace” ministry, at Crossroads Community Church. We see a need to encourage other women to reflect Christ in and through their work and to lead with zeal (Rom. 12:8 & 11). Our first meeting will take place February 17, 2020, with a special speaker who has spoken throughout the country on this subject.

 It takes building relationships with people we work with and not just reciting and giving them the Romans Road plan of salvation or quoting John 3:16. It takes time. It takes consistency in our work ethic (you have to hustle) and showing integrity and excellence in our work performance. That is what will make us attractive for being asked: “What makes you tick?” Our character, the Holy Spirit, will use to start conversations regarding our faith as we are being godly examples of godly virtues such as in Proverbs 31.

Invite Jesus into your workplace (or if you are retired or not currently employed – into your day) every morning. Ask Him to make you of benefit. Then at the end of the day, ask yourself this question: How did Jesus show up?”

We have the promise from God of Hebrews 6:10: “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” God does not pay us on commission.

It has been said that every two to three people we work with and are in contact with have no hope in the turmoil they are going through. The core of our job strategy should be viewing people out of the lens of love. How the enemy tries to mess with that in office politics and jealousy – everyday conflicts and drama. We just have to be available and know our efforts will not go to waste. “The Lord will show His remembrance of our work and labor of love at the resurrection.” David Guzik. This should make us “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!” 1 Cor. 15:58. We just have to be faithful in doing what God has called each one of us to do and leave the results with Him (1 Cor. 3:7). Don’t hold back in your stand for Christ. Be confident that nothing you do for God is a waste of time or effort. Remember –  God does not pay on commission!

Listen to Casting Crowns The Change In Me (Visualizer). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_BvCyk_mzE

But By The Grace Of God

1 Corinthians 15:9-10: “For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”

Are you comfortable with who you are? Have you realized that your purpose is not in your position? Have you thought about what is God’s perspective on who you are and acknowledge His grace in developing and strengthening your abilities? Paul did.

Paul became one of the most influential apostles. Paul recognized that God had poured kindness and grace into his life despite his sin.

Paul had no desire to compete with the other apostles. I find that interesting and noteworthy of his leadership style. He fully accepted and witnessed the grace of God upon his own life and stood firm in his position in Christ. He simply fulfilled God’s purpose for his life in being a servant for Christ, while being a tent-maker, in writing and teaching the churches, and worked hard in whatever he did. He kept his focus on the heavenly prize of living in eternity with Christ.

Declaring Christ’s message was Paul’s top priority rather than debating issues of opinions held by various cliques (at one point the Corinthians had split into following their own favorite preacher such as Paul, Apollos, Peter, etc.). He didn’t get sidetracked and stayed the course of preaching the truth of the gospel and the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Paul was chosen last and not in the number of the twelve apostles. He was selected as an extra apostle. He was a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which caused him to radically change from an unbeliever to that of a believer because he saw the Lord raised from the dead. Jesus presented Himself to Paul. Paul gave the grace of God all the credit for changing his life. That is what kept Paul humble. This grace of God changes us, but not all at once. It takes a lifetime. What do you know about the grace of God in your life?

Do you sometimes feel unlovable? Do you feel you have worth? Have you wrapped yourself around the fact that whose you are determines who you are? I have to remind myself often that my security and self-worth resides in God’s unconditional love for me. My intellect, position, performance, possessions, and business and personal contacts that I count on, are all temporary and fallible. But the wisdom and care God gives me is eternal and sure. God’s grace is sufficient.

Did you ever think of yourself as a trophy of God’s grace? I believe Paul did. Paul sums it up when he states: “But by the grace of God, I am what I am . . .” just as God said to Moses in Exodus 3:14: I AM THAT I AM.”

God is faithful.

Listen to MercyMe – Beautiful – Story Behind The Song, YouTube. 7.40 minutes. A message from Bart.

Bars Of Soap

1 Corinthians 15:3-5: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”

Paul gives a synopsis of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5. After Jesus’s death and burial, and He has His resurrected body, Paul states Jesus made a special appearance to Peter (Luke 24:34). It might have been because there was a particular need for comfort and restoration in Peter that Jesus wanted to provide for him. Then Jesus appeared next before His disciples. This was the meeting where Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit. Then during the time before His Ascension, Jesus met with many followers (more than 500), James, and even to Paul, that saw the living proof that Jesus had indeed died and rose again exactly as the Scriptures had prophesied. They saw the living proof right before their eyes, and it revolutionized their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. This is a historical fact.

The power of the gospel has the ability to change lives. The longer Paul lived, the more he was aware of his own sin and admitted that it was the work of the grace of God in him that changed his life from one of hate to a man cleansed, forgiven, and full of love in spreading the gospel. There is history behind the word “gospel.” The Greek word was “evangelion.” Soap Merchants, in Biblical times, would advertise their products by calling out “Good News!” upon entering a town. Remember in those days before the arrival of cologne or deodorant, bars of soap was good news! These salespeople that sold soap products would enter the town and advertise their wares by shouting “Good News!” They shared the good news of making oneself clean. Hence, Paul and the disciples shared the Good News, the gospel, so that people could be cleansed from the stench of their sin, and were like their counterparts, soap merchants, and were therefore called evangelists.

How has God showed you grace and mercy?

Since Jesus is alive right now and that by His Spirit, lives within us that have accepted His free gift of salvation, He is praying in Heaven for you and for me today and every day. Do you realize every day is Easter Sunday?

What do you struggle with in living out the gospel before others, such as in your workplace? What is your biggest challenge? I will share mine. Why am I surprised that others do not have the same expectations I do? I struggle with this because I have to rely on others to get my job responsibilities accomplished so our company’s sales goals can be achieved and be profitable. The root problem is I am a competitive, goal-orientated person, but those strengths can also be a weakness. I run into conflict with those that don’t share my passion in these similar traits. I then feel defensive, and the people I depend on sometimes leave me confused and bewildered and frustrated because I have been quick to judge in taking action. The solution is I need to alter my expectations of others. I need to mull over in my mind, use my pause technique with interoffice communication, instead of solely in a sales call, and quickly pray for wisdom in my response in times of conflict. Can you relate?

So let us be living examples of the “Good News” of grace, mercy, and great blessings we don’t deserve that God has given us and remember that every day is Easter Sunday. When you see bars of soap, remember the historical origin of the Greek word “evangelion.

Listen to Big Daddy Weave Alive (Official Music Video) YouTube. Feb. 8, 2019.

Stand Up And Stand Firm

1 Corinthians 15:1: “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preach to you – unless you believed in vain.”

Paul was telling the Corinthians that the gospel is of benefit if we stand in it and hold faithful to the Word of God. We must have discernment in living the day to day stuff within our culture and realize what is right and what is false thinking from God’s point of view. I have to ask myself, as I am going about my workday and I run into conflict, roadblocks, and seemingly impossibilities, what am I standing in as the basis of my motivation and life’s purpose? What are the root issues? Am I standing in the benefit of the gospel and in having my future – getting to see and be with Jesus for eternity, as the prime importance of life or in just a moment? There will be no enemies in Heaven – no more conflict, no more sorrow, and no more diseases. Our whose we are determines our who we are.

1 Thessalonians 3:8 declares: “For now we live, if you are standing fast in the LORD.” The Thessalonians’ faith was encouraging news to Paul, brought to him by Timothy. The Thessalonians were standing firm due to their hope in the Lord. I have to ask myself if my love and faith are an encouragement to someone else? Am I standing in steadfast, firm endurance in my trust in God, despite any circumstances?

Then there is the verse in 1 Corinthians 10:12, where Paul warns: “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands, take heed lest he fall.” The word “stands” is used in this verse as well. Paul was warning the Corinthians that many Old Testament examples have been given to us to remember that we are not incapable of sinning ourselves but we have both the Old and New Testament to give us instruction, knowledge, and the Holy Spirit indwelling us and empowering us with everything that we need. I wonder how Joseph became so merciful, forgiving, and didn’t hold any grudges against the cruelty done to him by his brothers. Who did he learn this from? His family was dysfunctional and had some problems yet God was sovereign and over ruled the bad for good time and time again yet God was faithful and used imperfect people for His ultimate good in His redemptive plan. Joseph is a picture of Christ’s forgiveness despite our sin.

What verse has God given you that has given you courage, comfort, and reassurance to keep keeping on that you stand on?

Remind yourself of verses in Scripture that have been of comfort to you in the past and stand up and stand firm in them. The promises of God will keep you secure in your faith and be of benefit. Standing firm in the Lord, despite irritations and disappointments in our expectations, gives proof that our faith is genuine and not empty. One’s future with the Lord is of prime importance. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, and He is LORD. This other stuff isn’t. Stand up and stand firm on the promises of God our Savior. Overcome daily with the Spirit’s sword, which is the Word of God. Stand firm.

Listen to Lauren Daigle’s Rescue (Official Music Video).

Love Is A Language All Can Understand

1 Corinthians 14:33: “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

I had this Friday morning’s devotional Blog post all typed and ready to hit publish. I was studying 1 Corinthians 14 this week. But after yesterday’s shooting occurrence at Saugus High School, it just didn’t seem appropriate or fitting this morning, so I just now deleted most of what I had written. Our two children attended Saugus High School. Jonathan graduated in 1995 and Amy in 1997. We lived just across the street and around the corner from the high school back then. This tragedy hit where I live.

Our community and yesterday’s event at Saugus High School has now been on national news. It touched my heart seeing on the TV news reports, over and over boys hugging their mothers. Many students interviewed told how they had texted their parents telling them they loved them. The reality of death was very evident.

But God is never baffled, befuddled, bewildered, perplexed, or panic-stricken. I am drinking my morning coffee right now out of my favorite coffee mug and looking at the various names of God in gold paint on this mug. God is the giver of peace – Jehovah Shalom, He is ever-present – Jehovah Shammah, He is our healer, Jehovah Rophe. He is Jehovah Rohi, our good shepherd. He is our battle fighter – Jehovah Nissi, and my favorite, is our provider – Jehovah Jireh.

One thing we can all hold onto is the fact that God never changes, 1 Corinthians 14:33 is still true. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.

I have been reminded especially this week that Jesus Christ is risen, is risen indeed! Jesus Christ is LORD despite our cultural moment. God is bigger than our moment. We can never understand the story from the moment.

Embrace words that encourage, and comfort, those you come across today. That is using the gift of the Holy Spirit through you, and in a language, all can understand and need. Make a loving, kind, and generous memory for someone because as we have learned again yesterday, life is short and can be ended abruptly.

Has God given you something to say or has inspired you to do something for His glory? Pay close attention for God is not the author of confusion but of peace.

Listen to Hillsong The Power Of Your Love with lyrics YouTube.

A Cloudy Mirror

Do you know someone that always gives unto others sacrificially and expects nothing in return? That person that shows kindness and grace when it is not deserved? Who holds their tongue from any harshness and gives of their time to you and doesn’t bring up your past mistakes and believes the best about you no matter how many times you fail? They are never irritable and don’t fly off the handle and are always content. They are always abounding in joy. They show incredible patience and are never jealous or resentful of others. They show enduring and steadfast perseverance and are still hopeful in trusting God always and never loses faith through every circumstance. Last but not least, they trust God to do His divine correction and chastening in those in need of it, because it says in Hebrews 12:6, that God disciplines those He loves and will make the correction. Is that person seen in your mirror? I can’t say I have it all covered consistently either. Yet Christ’s love for us in shown in every verse of 1 Corinthians 13.

1 Corinthians 13 is often called the love chapter and is frequently quoted at weddings. However, it is what we as followers of Christ are to show to our families, our friends, to our coworkers, and to anyone we encounter. Love, Paul states, is above all spiritual gifts in importance, and they are meaningless without love. This was how Jesus lead – He loved unconditionally and showed it in His actions in serving others. Romans 5:8 states: “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus gave without demanding or expecting repayment. He showed love to the unlovable and unappealing. He loved even when He was rejected. This type of love is called Agape love – loving without expecting anything in return and has much to do with self-denial for the sake of someone else. We can put Jesus’ name in each of the descriptions in 1 Corinthians 13 of what love is. Can I put my name in there? Can you?

Having numerous gifts and talents is not the measure of success or maturity. The display of love coming from one’s heart attitudes and motives shows the mirror reflection of Jesus Christ. My mirror is a bit cloudy as I look at myself in 1 Corinthians 13. Then there is the other factor that I do not have the ability to see everything with perfect clarity. What about you?

When we get to see Jesus face-to-face, our overshadowing circumstances won’t matter any longer. There will be no more limitations and barriers. When we get to heaven, our vision will be clear, and we will know God entirely and completely. Our in-completes will be canceled. May we pursue while we are here on earth, 1 Corinthians 13:13: “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Listen to Chris Tomlin – Jesus Loves Me – Worship Video with lyrics on YouTube.

You Are Given Something To Do That Shows Who God Is

1 Corinthians 12:7: “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

I have been thinking recently about the abundant grace of God and how He has shown me time and time again His grace and mercy. It is one of God’s gifts that helps us understand who God truly is. So often I am surprised at being a receiver of God’s grace as I reflect upon my day. God remains faithful despite my wrong choices and shortcomings. He forgives and loves me unconditionally due to His grace and compassion, as He is working things out in my life to show others who God is and is doing the same for you.

Ephesians 12:7 states: “But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Then Paul tells the Corinthians when they gathered together in fellowship each one has a song God has spoken to them through, a lesson God has taught them, an insight God has given them through His Word and is to be shared with one another. This is to remind the group that God is at work. My brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Rochelle, and I love to share with one another a song that God has spoken to us about – has touched our soul. The most recent one we shared with each other in a text message, was Mercy Me’s the new song they sang at the recent Dove Awards, “We Are Almost Home.” The words of this song speak to anyone who has met disappointment and believe you don’t have what it takes. It is a reminder to keep pressing on because we “are almost home” which is Heaven.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12 that we all have been given spiritual gifts – and these can be defined as “Gracious endowments, leading to miraculous results . . . these all came by the extraordinary influences of the Holy Spirit.” David Guzik. These spiritual gifts are always meant to be used to point others to Jesus Christ and promote the true Jesus (Romans 12:6-8). But did you realize that your particular spiritual gift(s) God wants you to use not only at church but if you are still working –  in your workplace? Since the Holy Spirit is always present with believers, He wants the light within you to shine for Him through your leadership skills, encouragement skills, understanding application of knowledge from God found in His Word, giving you supernatural insight and higher wisdom in handling work conflicts, or to solve a problem. Are you blessed by having the gift of faith? We all must have faith, but the gift of faith is the unique ability to trust God against all circumstances, just like Peter did when he got out of the boat and walked on water.

Do you need to refocus and reflect on what God is giving you to do that shows who God is?

Are your what ifs holding you back? Take courage, your Heavenly Father is cheering you on!

The spiritual gift God gave you He intended it to be used “for the common good.” Ask God to make you of benefit – to make it good. God has made you to be significant and to show who God is through your transformed life due to His grace.

Listen to MercyMe’s Almost Home New Song YouTube.