You Are Given Something To Do That Shows Who God Is

1 Corinthians 12:7: “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

I have been thinking recently about the abundant grace of God and how He has shown me time and time again His grace and mercy. It is one of God’s gifts that helps us understand who God truly is. So often I am surprised at being a receiver of God’s grace as I reflect upon my day. God remains faithful despite my wrong choices and shortcomings. He forgives and loves me unconditionally due to His grace and compassion, as He is working things out in my life to show others who God is and is doing the same for you.

Ephesians 12:7 states: “But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Then Paul tells the Corinthians when they gathered together in fellowship each one has a song God has spoken to them through, a lesson God has taught them, an insight God has given them through His Word and is to be shared with one another. This is to remind the group that God is at work. My brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Rochelle, and I love to share with one another a song that God has spoken to us about – has touched our soul. The most recent one we shared with each other in a text message, was Mercy Me’s the new song they sang at the recent Dove Awards, “We Are Almost Home.” The words of this song speak to anyone who has met disappointment and believe you don’t have what it takes. It is a reminder to keep pressing on because we “are almost home” which is Heaven.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12 that we all have been given spiritual gifts – and these can be defined as “Gracious endowments, leading to miraculous results . . . these all came by the extraordinary influences of the Holy Spirit.” David Guzik. These spiritual gifts are always meant to be used to point others to Jesus Christ and promote the true Jesus (Romans 12:6-8). But did you realize that your particular spiritual gift(s) God wants you to use not only at church but if you are still working –  in your workplace? Since the Holy Spirit is always present with believers, He wants the light within you to shine for Him through your leadership skills, encouragement skills, understanding application of knowledge from God found in His Word, giving you supernatural insight and higher wisdom in handling work conflicts, or to solve a problem. Are you blessed by having the gift of faith? We all must have faith, but the gift of faith is the unique ability to trust God against all circumstances, just like Peter did when he got out of the boat and walked on water.

Do you need to refocus and reflect on what God is giving you to do that shows who God is?

Are your what ifs holding you back? Take courage, your Heavenly Father is cheering you on!

The spiritual gift God gave you He intended it to be used “for the common good.” Ask God to make you of benefit – to make it good. God has made you to be significant and to show who God is through your transformed life due to His grace.

Listen to MercyMe’s Almost Home New Song YouTube.

Living Heartily, Passionately, And Freely, All For God’s Glory

1 Corinthians 10:31: “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Are you weary? Do you feel like you have nothing left to give? Have you felt like you have had more dealings with wrestling issues this week compared to other weeks? Do you think your expectations are higher than everyone else’s at work and realize that is why you are feeling frustrated?  I have to remind and direct myself back in knowing that every aspect of the Christian life can be melted down to one point – do all to honor God – and the parallel verse is found in Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” I know if I would remember that this is all God requires me to do, I would not get as frustrated with various circumstances and people.

In 1 Cor. 10, Paul has just talked about do’s and don’t’s of eating meat that was possibly sacrificed to idols, in relation to the Corinthian’s conscience in that set time and culture. It was a controversial issue. Putting it in today’s time, he is talking about legalism and what is permitted versus what is beneficial. The food was never the issue. Paul states there is liberty within the limits of love. It is essential to differentiate between judgmental attitudes, pride, verbal attacks, slander, and strive to have pure motives, and humbly demonstrate Christ-like love. Often due to our various popular media forums, I am hit in the face with the lack of love and grace shown by the Christian community put out there at times in public media. That saddens me greatly. In Paul’s day, Jews and Gentiles had separations. The same is still going on today within the Christian community. Paul lived so as not to offend. He did not flaunt his liberty in front of the Jews, nor did he impose the law on the Gentiles. God hates all unrighteousness.

The purpose of our life is simply to glorify God. Our behavior, whatever we do, should be done to bring honor and praise back to God. Paul quotes Psalm 27:1 in 1 Cor. 10:26, which was used as a Jewish blessing at mealtimes, and Paul applies it to this controversial situation: “For the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” David wrote this Psalm when he was in great danger because Saul and his men were trying to kill him. David was not ignoring his severe circumstances, but he was looking at them through heaven’s point of view. His faith and obedience were based on a faithful God that provides protection and deliverance.

Have you recently sat before the Lord, poured out everything – every detail, everything that is on your heart? Give Him your anxieties, fears, and concerns. Do so right now as you sit in God’s presence. Get it all out. Now sit still and wait for Him to talk to you (Be still –  Ps. 37:7 and Ps. 46:10). What did God say to you? What verse did He bring up in your mind? The more you read, study, and learn from the Word of God, the more you will be able to recognize God’s voice when He speaks truth into your heart and mind – igniting hope. Write down in a journal what you sensed you heard God say to you so you can be reminded of God’s presence in your life. Prayer is not a technique; it is simply a conversation with God.

If you have done your best from the wisdom and knowledge God has given you, then commit it to God and ask Him to make you of benefit. Leave it there. He will work out the outcome through other people He connects you to, or whatever means He wants the action required to transpire. God has no limitations. He is Jehovah Jirah – the Lord will provide. He is the master networker.

Thank God for the grace He has given you. Are you desperately in need of a blessing? Ask Him for it. Then live heartily, passionately, and freely, all for God’s glory! God is always faithful.

Listen to MeryMe  Grace Got You (Official Lyric Video) YouTube.

Falling Flat On Your Face

1 Corinthians 10:12-13: “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

We have been given numerous examples in the Old Testament of people making wrong choices and the consequences of those sinful actions. The Israelite’s didn’t seem to see that God was setting them free and that He was faithful. Throughout Exodus and Numbers, we see them falling down on their faces again and again by making a golden calf, complaining about only eating manna that God had provided, and then muttering and complaining about Moses and Aaron, because they were having thoughts of giving up, and the plague that resulted. Paul warned the Corinthians not to grumble. Psalm 78:17,21b-22 states: “Yet they sinned still more against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. . . His (God’s) anger rose against Israel, because they did not believe in God and did not trust his saving power.”  That is the “therefore” Paul is referring to in 1 Cor. 10:12.

Therefore we can learn from the examples found in the Old Testament and take heed. It doesn’t have to be our experience, for we can gain understanding from Israel’s failures and mistakes on being self-focused, and then seek to live in complete obedience to our Lord and Savior. I like how the Message states 1 Cor. 10:12-13: “We are just as capable of messing it up as they were. Don’t be so naïve and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else.”

Paul issues caution in verse 12 when it comes to temptations – we are all vulnerable. I remember my Grandma Helmers referred to this verse when there was a conversation about an individual situation with a person involved in a particular sin, and Grandma quoted this verse and pointed the finger back to herself. I will never forget the impact that had on me as a young girl and still does.

Have you ever been fickle? Have you had regrets? We have pressures today that our parents never experienced. We always learn more from our failures over our successes. We are all so busy with our work, which is a gift from God, that we fail to take the needed time to be still before God and listen for His voice. Psalm 37:7 declares: “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!” Then Psalm 46:10 again states: “Be still, and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!”

When Jesus was tempted by Satan he quoted Scripture. There is power in reciting out loud verses from the Bible. Speaking the Word of God, doing what it says, is where the power of God is provided. Whatever the challenge may be, speak the Word of God, and watch how it changes your mood. It defeats Satan time and time again.

Are you tempted to gossip about someone? Pray for them instead, then read 1 Cor. 10:12-13.

Are you tempted to criticize? Recite 1 Cor. 10:12-13, then pray for the person. Now examine the motivation in your heart. Has anything changed towards them? Rebuke and encourage with great patience and in love.

Staying in God’s Word, submitting and applying it to our life, being faithful to God in all that we do is our responsibility. Remember the lessons of obedience the Israelite’s learned about God. Have you felt like you have fallen flat on your face? Take heed, acknowledge the lesson you have learned in it, and take hope in our just and merciful God, who is fully present. He will never let you down, for He is faithful. Remember, you are called to a higher purpose.

Listen to Best News Ever (Official Lyric YouTube) by MercyMe.

On Assignment From God

1 Corinthians 7:17: “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.”

Do you realize where you are right now is God’s design and place for you? You may be wishing you could trade places with someone else you admire and envy, but God has placed you exactly where He knows your spiritual gifts, skills, and talents can be used for His glory just as He created you to be. He always has a higher purpose in mind than we ever can see or comprehend. My struggles and failures I have to remind myself don’t tell the whole story in the circumstances in my life. I have to retrain my thinking to keep the big picture in mind because that is just what God intends. I often see my glass as half empty instead of half full. How about you?

Live, obey, love others as Christ has loved you, and believe and trust in God’s mighty faithfulness and power. You are here because God has an intended purpose only you can do. You don’t know for sure what that is? Ask God what His dreams for you are? Then commit your personal desires to God. Ask God to make you of benefit in your work, in your family, with your friends, and watch what He enfolds. God is “eternal” – He is not limited by time.

Another of God’s attributes is “incomprehensible.” That means God is beyond our understanding. We can never comprehend the power of God. God is also “infinite.” He has no limits in His person or His power.

What gives you joy? What gives you fulfillment? Your strengths will grow you in your career and in your present time of life – be that being single or married.

Christ’s return is closer to fruition each day. Until then, remember, you are on assignment from God just exactly where He has placed you. So demonstrate your faith wherever you are and let God’s light shine through you. Are you a leader? Do it with zeal. Are you compassionate and able to show mercy? Then do it with cheerfulness. Are there those that you are mentoring or contributing in their life in some way? Then do it with generosity (Romans 12:8) to use for God’s glory in what God has assigned to each one belonging in the body of Christ. “Love from the center of who you are.” Romans 12:9 MSG.

What makes up the assignment God has assigned to you?

How can you serve God faithfully in the current circumstances you find yourself?

Listen to Lauren Daigle – Look Up Child (Lyrics) YouTube.

An Empowered Life

1 Corinthians 4:20: “For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.”

During the time of Paul, he was known for being a great theologian. He had a highly trained mind that was sharper and keener than anyone else in comparison at that time. Then there was Apollos, who was a polished orator. People were impressed with his speaking abilities and magnetic personality. Both were significantly used by God. God made them both, yet they each had different gifts and talents in teaching and preaching and guiding the people regarding the Word of God.

The power of God’s Word has the ability to change lives – to bring people to repentance and make their life turn around and follow after Christ. The Word of God has the power to mentally illumine the mind – like what we call having the light bulb going on in our brain to the truth found in God’s Word and to have purpose in living.

God does not care about our image, our successes, our accomplishments, our popularity or lack of demand. God only cares about our heart’s condition and examines our motives. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 4:2, we are to remain faithful to do what is right.

Paul stated to the Corinthians that they should imitate Paul himself, or Timothy, who Paul considered a (1 Cor. 4:15-16) “faithful child of the Lord.” I think of a couple women in my life that I feel have been my mentors and examples that I look up to and want to follow. I have had a woman mentor in my work, and now I am looked to be a mentor in that arena. But I make mistakes and sometimes have trouble handling conflict issues. I am competitive and goal orientated. I need to alter my expectations of others that don’t share those characteristics. I have to ask God for wisdom and forgiveness in lacking patience. Then I view a few women that have encouraged me in my walk with the Lord that God placed in my life at specific needy times. That has been priceless. I want to do that for others.

Who is it that you look up to that you know that you want to imitate?

Are you one to be imitated? Or are you in a season of needing God to intervene and rescue you?

Paul was a leader and servant of Christ. The Message states in 1 Cor. 4:4: “The requirements for a good guide are reliability and accurate knowledge. It matters very little to me what you think of me, even less where I rank in popular opinion. I don’t even rank myself. Comparisons in these matters are pointless. You already have all you need.” Wow! Can I get to that point in my life as Paul did? Paul didn’t live for the applause of people but for God’s kingdom in mind.

“God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life.” 1 Cor. 4:20 MSG.

Listen to Lauren Daigle’s new song Rescue (Official Music Video) 3:45 min. YouTube.

Agriculture and Architecture

1 Corinthians 3:8-9: “He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field. God’s building.”

This week marked the beginning of the Fall season which is also known as harvest time for farmers in the Midwest. Paul often used agricultural images in his letters. Planting and watering are both needed for crops to grow. Both work towards the same goal. Paul says we are God’s fellow workers as His working partner. A cross-reference is Matthew 16:27: “ For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.” That is the day we believers are anxiously looking forward to as we plant and build and apply God’s Word into our lives and into others, and then God gives the growth. We need to be reminded, on this earth, of Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Paul says in 1 Cor. 3:9, “You are God’s field. You are God’s building.” Fields get tilled –soil preparation, then planted, watered, cultivated, weed control measures applied, and then the crop is picked, which is known as harvest time. Farming requires diligence and hard work. Farmers have to depend on God to supply the right amount of rain and the right amount of sunshine to get a plentiful crop. Each year their income is totally dependent on God’s provision. I think they know the power of God’s creation and that it is out of their control because the weather is not always ideal, in a more intimate way, than other forms of making a living.

The human heart is compared to soil and the Word of God to seed in Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23. When we hear and read the Word of God we need to absorb and apply it in our hearts – like watering seeds in the soil in order for them to grow into plants that are strong and will not wilt under adverse conditions.

Buildings get built from a set of blueprints. The foundation is the most critical part of the building because the size, shape, and strength of the building always is determined by its foundation. The strength of the building rests on its foundation. Our foundation is Jesus Christ and nothing else. Both agriculture and architecture have a process of time involving due diligence to come to fruition. Paul’s spiritual gifts involved designing and building spiritual foundations within the lives of the people in the churches in Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece from preaching Christ. He built the groundwork whereas Timothy and Apollos built the churches up from Paul’s foundations. God blessed and gave the increase all due to His grace and power.

Jon Courson has said:

                “Feel like you’ve been tilled a bit this week? Don’t be surprised. You’re God’s field.

                The good news is that when fields get plowed, it means something excellent is about to be planted.”

Do you feel your life is being turned upside down lately? Has life taken a detour? Don’t give up. Don’t “get weary of doing good.” Your heavenly reward awaits you! Keep looking to the Cross of Jesus Christ and all that He did on your behalf. Jesus’s blood and grace are sufficient. He paid for every sin that bothers us so much. Keep planting and building God’s kingdom for your reward is ahead. Keep glorifying Christ.

Who can you help today not to be discouraged, or show love and compassion to, and motivate by your example, from the lessons God has taught you?

Our reward is waiting for us in Heaven. I need to remember what Jesus has done for me on the cross and is telling me – “Look what I have done for you. If I can die and rise again, I can take care of this for you. You are my field. You are my building, and I am Your cornerstone that squares the building, so it doesn’t fall apart and disintegrate and crumble.”

Listen to Pat Barrett – Build My Life (Lyric Video) (ft. Cory Asbury) – YouTube

Lesson From a PowerPoint Presentation

1 Corinthians 2:9-10: “But as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” – these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.”

I have agonized over a presentation for work, I was preparing for this past week to a group of Research & Development chemists and Process Engineer, for a company that is a customer of mine. I had been sent twelve preparatory questions to address and answer for this meeting I was asked to conduct and teach. The senior chemist of the department required the whole lab to hear me speak on a very current and vital specific topic involving formulating and producing hair care and skincare products with a particular ingredient. My preparation involved gathering facts of information on the subject I was asked to teach on, and have been trained on, and incorporating this information on my PowerPoint slides. It took considerable time to put together all of my data for my training session, and I was concerned it needed to be just right. I was giving guidance to fortify their understanding of handling a new area in this realm that has great difficulty in incorporating this ingredient into hair and skin care formulations. I was presenting logical, factual, information in this critical area, and I wanted it to be done just right in my delivery. I needed to be prepared for any questions that might arise during my presentation.

Thus, the word “prepared” in 1 Cor. 2:9 caught my attention as I was reading this chapter. Some say that the word “prepared” used in 1 Cor. 2:9 is referencing God has “prepared” Heaven for us that are believers. Paul paraphrases in quoting Isaiah 64:4 regarding Israel in captivity awaiting God’s deliverance: “From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those that wait for him.”Paul is applying this reference to the church in 1 Cor. 2:9. Paul is talking about the wisdom God has prepared for believers. God is revealing these things to us here and now as verse 10 says. God’s truth is not discoverable by objective evidence (eyes or ears) nor is it discoverable by rational conclusions. It comes by faith in accepting God’s message of salvation. Our future is secure no matter what our circumstances are which gives us hope. The gospel gives us light, life, and liberty. We as believers will see things and know things others can’t because the Spirit reveals to us the big picture eternally as we read and study His Word. Our minds cannot begin to perceive or comprehend God’s plan for us in His preparation of making us complete in Christ, as the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to understand and obey the message of the gospel and God’s will.

A month from now, the essential powerpoint presentation I taught and agonized over will be in the past tense. It will be behind me and already is. But the wisdom God has for you and for me we cannot see with our human eyes and cannot hear with our ears. Instead, the Spirit reveals it to our mind and heart spiritual truths as we pray to God and as we read His Word. He is preparing us because He loves us. Therefore, every day is a good day – Roman 8:28 is a promise– but I cannot always see it or visualize it, and I don’t always feel like it can be for my good. But I have to remember it is God’s eternal plan. He is my shield of protection and invisible bodyguard. He has the big picture in mind – eternity – and so often I just need to get through today.

How has God been preparing you this past week in deepening your relationship with Him?

What incidents do you now see as not as significant as they first appeared? I am not intending to belittle anything you have been going through. I have been there too, and unpleasant circumstances have seemed to be increasing these past few weeks further challenging me.

What trials have God caused you to be better prepared in an area than before and been wiser for undergoing the situation? What lessons did you learn about faith and trust in the Lord?

The Message states 1 Cor. 2:9-10 this way: “God’s wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of his purposes . . . what God determined as the way to bring out his best in us, long before we ever arrived on the scene . . . The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along.”

My time spent in preparation for my presentation in my work that I wanted to appear very knowledgeable and wise was a reminder that God is preparing me in ways I don’t even know about or understand. The Holy Spirit will give true wisdom, discernment, instruction, and guidance, as we read the Word of God in order to reach proper conclusions, and make wise decisions in difficult circumstances. There is hope ahead.

Listen to Danny Gokey’s Hope in Front of Me (Official Lyric video) – YouTube. Posted Jan. 23, 2014.

Empowered Words Transforms Lives

1 Corinthians 1:17-18: “ For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Paul’s mission in life, after his conversion, was to know nothing but Jesus Christ. He didn’t try to engage in grand and audacious arguments of persuasion but held strictly to the word of God. He states in 1 Cor. 2:4: “And my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith may not rest in the wisdom of men.” Paul came speaking without any attempt to impress or dazzle with eloquence or intellect, and his passion was to preach the gospel plainly and without compromise. He spoke on an everyday level even though he was a highly educated man himself. His argument for the gospel begins with God the creator of all and ends with God, the judge of all. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.

The Greeks and Romans, in Paul’s day, took pride in intellectual brilliantly worded pretentious rhetorical persuasions and were entertaining in their instructional speeches and human reasoning by their scholars and philosophers. Greeks did not believe in a bodily resurrection and thought no reputable person would be executed as a criminal. They did not look for the message of the cross because they found it too simple. The Jews demanded miraculous signs (1 Cor. 1:22), and when they were asked a question, they would answer with a question. They took pride in arguing, debating, appeared arrogant, and had supreme self-confidence. They thought the Messiah would be a conquering king, a descendant of David to come and establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. These Jews were not looking for the message of the cross either. They were looking for a miraculous Messianic deliverance.

The power of the gospel changes peoples hearts and lives. Nothing else can. No politician, or modern philosopher, can change our culture that worships power, wealth, and influence. Our relationship and union with Christ results in having God’s wisdom and knowledge which is wiser than human wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24). Skill and intelligence do not get us into God’s kingdom – only simple faith does. That is the wisest decision anyone can make.

When all is falling in on us at work, where should we go? Flee to Jesus and the message of the cross! It all goes back to doing the main thing is the main thing –faithfully and obediently following Jesus Christ. Luke 1:37 declares: “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Jesus gives direction and gives us hope. The solution to every problem, no matter who you are, is in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Lysa Terkahurst has said: “Being a steadfast leader is important. Yes, reading books on business and leadership is good – but the Word of God transforms lives. God saved my soul. Only the Word of God transforms lives. We must stay in the Word of God!.”

What have been your “But God” moments recently?

What verse or verses, has the Holy Spirit spoken just to you that have made an impression and given you insight and direction? Be sure to write them down when this occurs so you can review them over and over again to remind yourself of what He had said to you when you needed it the most and He will do it again.

Listen to Casting Crowns – Nobody featuring Matthew West (Visualizer Video). 3.27 minutes.

Enriched For The Grand Finale

Picture from

1 Corinthians 1:4-8: “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge – even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you – so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It is interesting to note what Paul did state and didn’t state in his letter to the church in Corinth, in the first few verses of 1 Corinthians. He did not say he thanked God for the Corinthians righteousness or faithfulness because neither was the case with the believers in Corinth and Paul later spends time rebuking sin and correcting error in the church. Instead, he thanked God for “the grace of God that was given you.” The people had been given spiritual gifts, due to God’s grace, so their lives were enriched – fortified, enhanced, skilled in speech, well-taught, intelligent, and knowledgeable about the Word of God. The word “enriched” comes from the Greek word plutocrat. A plutocrat is a very wealthy person. The Corinthians were very prosperous in two of the gifts – speech and knowledge of God. They possessed great spiritual wealth. Paul congratulates and praises them on having earned these gifts because it was a testimony to the truth of the gospel, of Christian doctrine, and a confirmation of the evidence of Christ as they were living in eager expectation of Christ’s return. Paul communicated encouragement first before giving stern correction to these immature and prideful believers.

Paul focused on the term “grace” in his greeting and benediction (1 Cor. 16:33). He prayed that the believers would live for the Lord Jesus Christ by experiencing God’s strength – God’s grace. God had given them a variety of grace-gifts because of God’s sovereign will to confirm the reality of their salvation experience. Paul puts grace and peace together in 1 Corinthians and other epistles he wrote, and always put “grace” first because one cannot have real and lasting peace unless he understands God’s powerful grace.

How can you see God’s grace in your life recently?

How are you using the spiritual gifts that God has given you? They are not meant to be only used at church – did you realize that?

God has richly provided His grace in my life especially during the past few weeks. How about you? God has enrichment progressively purposed for the grand finale when Jesus will arrive to take us home.

The Message states 1 Corinthians 1:5-8 this way: “There’s no end to what has happened in you – it’s beyond speech, beyond knowledge. The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives. Just think – you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.”

Listen to Your Grace Is Enough lyric video by Matt Mahler.

Well Done – Good Job!

Romans 16:19: “For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.”

Don’t we all want our parents and our boss to be proud of us? We want reaffirmation that our efforts have been appreciated and noticed regarding our benefit in what we do or have done as we became an adult, and in our work role. However, what is even more critical, is for God to say to us – You have been faithful to me. Well done – good job!

Paul lists in the last chapter of Romans, thirty-five people that stood out to him from being a benefit to him in his ministry. Many of the people he listed were unknown. It is the most extensive list and intimate expression of love for fellow believers and coworkers in the whole New Testament. It gives us a glimpse of the character of this early church and how personal Paul was in his relationships with people. Friends were important to him besides being a soul winner.

Paul mentions ten women, two married couples, single people, five men that appear to be spiritual leaders, two groups of whole households, and at least three groups that represented house churches,  that had influenced people for Christ with Paul, that he is sending greetings to in the last chapter of Romans. He lists Epenetus, the first convert in Asia. One name of particular interest to me was Aristobulus. He was a grandson to Herod the Great. The very one that had tried to annihilate Jesus by killing all the Jewish males under two years of age. Herod was a butcher of anyone threatening his power. Yet his grandson is listed among the household of faith in Paul’s list, that had been of benefit to Paul and stood out in Paul’s memory as being durable and faithful leaders. Each one held a positive memory and contribution to Paul’s ministry.

I can think of five people that have encouraged and influenced my Christian walk during my lifetime as Paul said in Romans 16:19b: “to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.” Who are the people in your life that have done the same for you?

We must remember to keep doing the main thing which is the main thing: To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love others as Christ has loved us. Jesus warned the apostles in Matthew 10:16: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Even today we must use good judgment and be aware of false teachers while reading books and listening to various teachers and preachers trying to convince one that they are teaching the truth. Paul says to identify them and avoid them.

Despite our maturity in Christ, we must expect disillusioning crisis circumstances will occur, but to be unwavering in our perseverance and endurance in maintaining our Christian character.

Studying the book of Romans should make us more stable in our faith, clearer in doctrine, understanding principles to live by, and grasping the power of scripture and prayer. Then we must apply God’s will to our lives by walking fully in the grace and glory of God, demonstrating love for one another in unity, as we march forth today in His presence, in obedience and staying faithful.  How have you been challenged in these areas recently?

May God say “Well done! Good job!”

Listen to The Afters – Well Done (Official Lyric Video).