Let Jesus astound you!

Jesus fed 10,000 to 15,000 people from five loaves of bread and only two fish in Mark 6:30-45. Now jump to Mark 6:45-46: “immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray.” They all needed rest. Jesus found rest by leaving the group to pray. Jesus always found strength from prayer. One of the greatest encouragements to us is to know that Jesus found it essential to pray in order to feel re-energized in the strength of the Lord.

Next a storm came up in Mark 6:49-50. The disciples were in the boat and were not making any headway because they were rowing against the wind and getting nowhere. Jesus saw this and walks on the water. Jesus had never left. He was always there. Try and remember this was now around 3AM-6AM. They had to be exhausted from lack of sleep besides physical exhaustion from rowing against that wind. Here is the punchline in Mark 6:51: “And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly ASTOUNDED.” The disciples didn’t consider the miracle of feeding the huge amount of people just minutes before. They saw it but didn’t get it. They were shocked that the wind suddenly stopped and the water was calm.

I am praying that the Lord will astound me in my answers to prayers! I am just like these disciples. I am just like these men. How quickly I forget one answer to prayer and then move onto the next hard circumstance in life and too often forget the blessings God has previously given me and doubt floods in. May I, may you, be ASTOUNDED in Jesus calming your storm(s) in life this week!