What is your deepest need right now?

I started a survey project this week in preparation for my next book project and my Blog. The questions I asked several women were:

  1. What is your deepest need right now?
  2. What immediately came to mind?
  3. Did your answer change after you thought it over? If so, what was the need that replaced your first response to this question?

Philippians 4:11 ESV: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

Matthew 6:8b ESV: “. . . for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

My greatest needs have changed over the years. When I was younger and my children were toddlers, my biggest prayer requests dealt with potty training and being able to pay bills. My mother gave me some sage wise advice back then: “When your children are young, they have small needs but when they get older, your prayer requests become bigger in depth and size. She was right. My prayer requests have matured from merely human needs to immaterial and eternal needs for my children.

I am just beginning to get answers in from my survey. I am finding that we women share a lot of the same burdens. Here are some of the responses to my survey regarding: “What is your deepest need right now?”

  • Health and feeling insignificant.
  • Need to feel loved and appreciated.
  • Physical strength.
  • The Salvation of my children.
  • Want my kids to appreciate me and what I do.
  • Fighting discouragement resulting from prayers not answered quickly.
  • No return of my son’s cancer and for continued peace and trust.
  • Need to remember God is my refuge and what that means.
  • To let go of fear and be thankful.

I was amazed at how many responded that their greatest need right now was a lack of physical strength due to their health issues or for a member of their family having health issues. It kept coming up with more and more women. Then I read in Priscilla Shirer’s, “The Armor of God” Bible study book, a statement that explains this. She is referring to right before she was in the movie War Room. One of the directors sent her the following email:

“Now that you are joining the team, don’t be surprised if the enemy drops unusual family, relational, or health problems in your life. Don’t worry. Just prepare. God is greater than anything the enemy attempts.”

“Bottom line: Anticipate the enemy to hit you in the area of your greatest influence.” Priscilla Shirer.


What is my deepest need right now? My immediate response is fighting discouragement when I don’t see answers to prayers quickly. My reaction is from lack patience. I use my Keurig coffee maker every morning because it makes my own single cup of coffee quickly. I prefer quick answers and results much the same way in my prayer life. However, my gift box, on my mantel that says: To: Linda and Family. From: God, is filled with dated answers to prayers written on 3 X 5 cards. Each one is a living reminder of past answers to prayers that I have turned over to our Heavenly Father. I get to have my own thanksgiving and praise service every time I open the lid and read every card!

God tells us not to fear the “but what if . . .” because He is with us. I just had to endure another test about this last night. My heart was pounding over a situation. I turned on my You Version Holy Bible ap and turned to the book of Psalms. I started playing it from Psalm 5 and had it read to me out loud through Psalm 40. I wrote down on a piece of paper precious promises of God that helped calm my nerves through these chapters of truth. This problem was out of my control. There was nothing I could do to fix or change it. God says don’t be dismayed. Don’t be disheartened. Don’t be upset. Don’t lose courage for the task ahead because He is our God. He vows to strengthen us. He just might do that through a trial, however He also promises to help us, sustain us, and uphold us no matter what. I went to sleep finally, being upheld by the last verse in Psalm 40 being girded with truth: “You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!”

What is your deepest need right now? Remember, God is greater than anything the enemy attempts to torpedo you in your path. Read the Psalms for comfort and reassurance. Listen to the song, “Shoulders” by King and Country, or Josh Wilson’s song, “I Refuse,” or his song, “Fall Apart.” These songs have spoken richly to me in various needs of mine in the past. Ask God to talk to you through His Word. Stop. Listen. Wait.

My prayer today: “God I praise You for your power. You are my refuge. You are my shield. I need more courage in trusting You completely and not giving into discouragement. I am holding on to Your promise to me found in Psalm 9:10: “For You LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You.” I am looking forward to Your promise to me also in Hebrews 11:6: “He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Amen.”





Challenged By Goliaths

I have had a few Goliath’s in my life. How about you? I think it is safe to say we all have. They show up in various forms. There is the Aggressor who is hostile, intimidating and loves to threaten. The Underminer takes pride in criticism and then there is the Unresponsive person. That one is hard to talk to and answers by one word: yes or no. They make no effort at real conversation or revealing anything more about his or her ideas. The fourth difficult person is an Egotist. This person knows everything and acts superior. These sandpaper people intimidate us and rub us the wrong way.

aggression-weakness-inability-pictureA dear close friend of mine has been extremely challenged and tested by an obnoxious, unrealistic, extremely critical Goliath, as a client these past few weeks. In my sales job, I have them occasionally. When I get that email that says: “Second request” only on their side inside of mine, it seems unfair.

hope-despair-pictureWhat are you experiencing as your Goliath recently? Is it a child that has appeared to reject Christ? Or maybe there is a lack of employment. Do you have a friend that you thought was your friend and they have rejected you, and you don’t understand why? Several different types of Goliaths may be playing havoc in your life right now: relationship problems, mental exhaustion, emotions running rampant, or physical issues. Just this past week I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. But before my day was finished, I had to attend to something I was responsible for doing. However, some little thing went wrong, and that was the fingernail on the chalkboard. A huge distraction torpedoed me, and I failed miserably in losing my patience. I was mentally spent. I was talked out. Frustration overtook my outlook and disposition. I was ashamed of my reaction and my lack of patience. Have you ever been there?psalm-5-verse-12-use-this-one

It says in 1 Samuel 17:4-5, that Goliath was 9’9″ tall. He wore a bronze helmet and bronze scale armor that weighed 125 lbs. The iron point of his spear was said to weigh 15 pounds. Besides that, he had a shield-bearer that walked in front of him. Goliath was loud and boisterous! He was an actual sandpaper person! He taunted the Israelites for 40 days, shouting out his threat and dared them to send one from their ranks to fight him. 1 Samuel 17:11 HCSB states: “When Saul and all Israel heard these words from the Philistine, they lost their courage and were terrified.” The Israelites were afraid because they were looking at the size of Goliath compared to their physical and intellectual abilities and stature. They compared themselves to Goliath and were petrified because they felt inadequate and that they could not in any way strike down and kill the large giant. They could not see beyond their current circumstances. Sound familiar? How often I look at my own Goliath in my life and want to give up. Goliaths are not always people in my life. It might be my schedule with work, my personal “to do” list. It can be my lower lumbar area in my back flaring up. Or it might be another woman that makes me feel lacking in some area and not good enough. I then feel rejected, left out, and lonely. It may not be her intention at all. Or I might feel I am weak in comparison, not smart enough, witty enough, and lack the skills to knock the Goliath down! Have you been there too?

David wins. He did it! David stood up to Goliath. David declared he had God on his side so how could he ever fail? Why don’t I do that more often? David killed Goliath, this 9’9″ giant, with only one stone slung in his slingshot (he didn’t have a machine gun or pistol). Then David used Goliath’s sword to decapitate him. Why don’t I think I am gifted or talented enough when challenged by that person that is domineering and demanding and throwing their weight around? Why do I feel threatened or rejected and think they are better than I am? Those words hurt and cut me. Instead, I need to get my eyes off of myself, stand up straight, and have the God-confidence that I have written and talked about having. We women fall into this far more often than men.

Satan wants us to forget Ephesians 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think; according to the power at work within us.” We have the power of God at work right within us, available in fighting our battles. That power is activated when we pray!

God is my shield. God is my overseer. God is my great shepherd. Psalm 118:6 ESV reminds me: “The LORD is on my side, I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

Don’t let anyone discourage you. God will help you conquer any Goliath!

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther

Psalm 61:3: “For You have been my refuge. A strong tower against the enemy.”

Thought: David killed Goliath with only one stone. He took six stones, but God aimed that one stone directly to the precise spot on Goliath’s forehead that took him down! That was the power of God in action!

God thank you for being my refuge and my strong tower. Thank you for your patience and forgiveness when I stumble and fall. You lift me up. You go before me and know what is ahead of me. You will help me defeat any Goliath that challenges me. Amen.

Steadfast Trust

Psalm 52:8-9 “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.”

Have you been thrown a few torpedoes in your life this week? Or maybe you have a friend or loved one that has? Do you feel that you are caught in a maze and can’t find the correct way out? Is everyone counting on you to hold it all together and you don’t think you can take anymore today? Do you need a hug? Or a pat-pat? Or are you looking for someone to ask you how you are doing? Maybe you need to feel someone’s smile looking straight into your eyes, and you need to have them tell you that all is going to work out? Do you feel all alone? I sometimes have.

I have a close friend that has had a whole week of bombs going off while trying to do right. I had that myself a few weeks ago. I had some temporary physical issues and then two separate large problems that happened in my job all in the same week. Both were out of my control. In the first dilemma, I was dealing with intense pain in my lower back; I wanted my mother. That brought a smile to my face. At my age I still wanted my mother’s arms around me in a hug when I felt hurt or pain. We, women, give comfort. Mothers provide support and comfort to their children. That is what we do. But life’s boomerangs are distractions sent to us by the enemy. That is what disrupts, detracts, disintegrates, detonates, and deceives us away from focusing on God’s providence in our life. The enemy wants to make us feel stupid, inadequate, dumb and feel like a complete failure. He wants to keep us in a defeated mode. He wins when we give up.

In my problem with work, I felt insufficient to know how to solve a problem that had arisen with a major customer. It was an entirely new problem I had never experienced in the twenty-four years of my career before. I did not know what the right answer was or what I should do. It took three days to figure out a resolution. I needed wisdom from God and He supplied my need.

The enemy wants to distract us from God’s purpose in our life. But we cannot give up. Our heavenly Father dearly loves us and He is waiting for us only to trust Him as He is growing us, stretching us, and always teaching us a lesson about something. I, and my fellow sales people at my work learned something new, from the problem that occurred in my industry. When I went through the set back with my back, I learned about having severe arthritis, that I had not known fully before. The question then is not why, but what questions: Example: God what do you want me to learn? What can I do better in the future? Each and every new problem I encounter in my job enables me to be a better contribution to my company. Every trial I go through gives me more empathy for anyone else experiencing a similar situation. Problems teach. Successes don’t.

David felt that way too as he said in Psalm 52, as he compared himself to a green olive tree. It takes five years for olive trees to produce their first fruit. They look majestic in their gnarled and twisted trunks and evergreen tops. Olive trees grow to about 18-20 feet in height with contorted trunks and numerous branches. Some grow from 2,000 year-old-root systems. It takes up to fifteen years to produce a good first harvest of olives. The trees have to be shaken to harvest the fruit. The fruit falls to the ground and is then crushed and pressed. So are we shaken, crushed and broken, in the wait, and pushed to our limit, just like an olive tree. Stress takes hold, but for a good reason. Fruit will be the outcome.

The olive tree can withstand and thrive in any weather condition and still produce its fruit. Intense heat and a minimum of water do not stunt their growth. In Israel, the olive tree withstands the extreme east wind heat from the desert and the west wind from the Mediterranean that brings much rain. It needs both to grow –intense heat and much rain. So must I be able to survive in any pressing circumstance and have passionate patience while in a crisis while enduring the chaos of the moment. Do you have chaos too? I must be steadfast in my faith and trust that God has this, and I am in His presence. I have to trust Him that I will come out better and not be bitter in the process. I have to believe and know that I will grow not only in bad times, that will in the end, turn into enrichment and blessings. Endurance, perseverance, trusting God as my overseer, and gaining more courage are the rewards, and God will be glorified.

Even when cut down or burned, shoots grow back on an olive tree. It is stubborn but not in a bad way! I must be stubborn in not giving up and not get depressed with self-guilt, shame, frustration, and feeling worthless and stupid over bad decisions and mistakes that are my torpedoes in life. The right solution just has to be figured out to move forward.

Are you feeling dismayed? Defeated? Discouraged? Disappointed? Be like a green olive tree and trust in God to pull you through. Be steadfast, stand firm, have passionate patience, have endurance, don’t give up. Satan is trying to disrupt, detract, and deceive you from what God wants to accomplish in your life in your obedience to Him and the path He has chosen just for you.

David also said in Psalm 27:14:Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! Then David said it again in Psalm 52:8-9: “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.”

Listen to Casting Crowns “Just Be Held.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIZitK6_IMQ




In the Wait picture

Isaiah40:31: “But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Are you finding yourself in what I call “being in the wait?” Nothing appears to be happening to solve your current trial in life right now. Or are you in a holding pattern in waiting for a specific answer? Do you feel as though you are in a blind state of existence? You know God is there, and He will answer your need, but you have no idea how He is going to do it and the clock is ticking. You are in a predicament that is perhaps causing your breathing to be a bit shallow. Your stress level has risen to a ten and you wish for it to be just a two or three on the scale from one to ten (ten being the worst). I have had that recently. I often do laundry when I am feeling anxious and waiting for the outcome of a problem I am enduring. For some reason, it is my stress reliever, temporarily. My other choice is doing one of the workout sessions we record every morning from the PBS station on TV. It is Miranda Esmonde-White’s, Classical Stretch program that is on at 6:00 AM. She promotes flexibility, releasing tension in your muscles, and improving posture and range of motion. What is your go-to for stress relief?

Here are some statistics regarding that word “wait” in the Bible: The word wait occurs 109 times in the KJV. The word “wait” comes from the same Hebrew word “trust.” The phrase “waiting upon God” is used 40+ times throughout the Bible. The Psalm’s uses it 25 times while Isaiah uses it 11 times. Waiting and then trusting in God go together. It requires having blind faith and believing that God will provide. When I took Old Testament Survey, at Northwestern College in Roseville, Minnesota, in my 20’s, Dr. Hartel, our professor, would often tell us if we had a burden about our tuition bill and needed money to pray “Jehovah Jireh,” which means “God will provide.”

What is aheadWhat is ahead? I can’t see the future.

Are you facing a trial where you don’t know how God will ever fix or solve a situation? I recently had to wait for answers to two separate health issues. I could do absolutely nothing but wait until my appointments to see the doctors. I didn’t know what the outcome would be. It was out of my control. I was fortunate this time. Then there is another situation I will be facing that I don’t know again what the outcome will be. I can’t see what the future will hold. All I can do is pray and trust in God that He has this.

There is always a deeper meaning, even though irritating, when God has us “in the wait.” When it seems that God is doing nothing, He is behind the curtain. It usually involves perfection of an outcome that is beyond our control. God’s timing is supreme. God’s timing is perfect. Pray that God will astound you with His exact ideal solution (see my first post) while you are “in the wait.”

Chuck Swindoll had said in one of his devotional writings about trusting God during the waiting period, and not going into panic mode when people break their promises to us and even forget us. That hurts! I have been there. Done that! He said it is God’s job to deal with them. My husband and I experienced a broken promise from someone. We are “in the wait.” Yes, it hurt. Again we had to pray: “God provide in all of this!”

If you are “being in the wait” be strengthened and established in His word. Have God-confidence. Have reassurance that God has this and will provide the outcome at His chosen time. Write down in a prayer journal verses that encourage you. Hebrews 10:36 admonishes us to keep on going and doing the will of God: “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.”

Romans 12:12: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Lastly, know that events are happening behind the scenes that God is orchestrating. He is behind the curtain. When it seems like nothing is happening or going on, it is. Our inward self-fortitude is being changed while we are “in the wait.” It is being stretched like a rubber band. I can be bitter or be made better in gaining more perseverance in tolerance and patience, and in choosing joy instead of depression. When it seems that nothing is going on, take heart. It is another exercise of growing in endurance and growing in being established in having more faith, perfected, and refined as in pure gold for God’s glory. Trust in the Lord while being “in the wait!”

Our Fortress

SOS picture for Blog

Are you holding an SOS flag in your hand right now? Do you feel caught in waiting for an answer to yet another problem in life?

2 Peter 2:9a states: “. . . the LORD knows how to rescue the godly from trials.”

Are you experiencing yet another trial in life? Have you been able to move away from asking God “why?” Have you examined where your shield of faith might have a hole in it, and you are then open to being vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy? What do you worry about most? Is it your children, finances, health, work, friends, or the future?

I have, to be honest. What do I tend to worry about most? It has been my husband’s health. I have also had anxiety in the past about the lack of finances, work, my children, and our financial possibilities in the future. I have realized however, all of these are really out of my control, including my husband’s health.

I wrote down this past summer every major trial in our life that we had experienced in my husband’s and my forty-two years of marriage together. I made a list of each one of them on paper. It appeared to me that I had to merely trust in the Lord to bring us through every time. I couldn’t fix any of them myself. There was nothing I could do to change things but to wait on the Lord for His rescue in each trial. He did answer, restore, and taught us things we couldn’t seem to learn in any other way at the time. God’s timing is never late and always just on time. I do know that, but when you are in the wait it is never easy. But God’s word brought peace in my heart and mind by seeing a special verse or promise that I read during each hard trial. In one particular trial God gave me Psalm 27:13: “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” That verse was instrumental in God revealing to me that we were to move to California. That it was God’s will for Steve to accept the job offer that he had been approached about for two years. We have now lived here for almost twenty-five years. California was and is “the land of the living,” for us.

Then there was a major financial trial we lived through. God gave me Psalm 119:92:If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” Then my prayer became: “Teach me Your word during this season of my life like I have never known it before, and make this verse my testimony when I emerge from this place!” This particular verse has become what I call my “signature verse,” that I identified with when going through a very specific financial trial. We wished we had done things differently or not at all. We spent a lot of time in regretting a decision and action that cost us financial consequences that could not be reversed. But God walked with us through this experience, and it developed more perseverance and steadfastness within our physical and spiritual core. His almighty rescue came as quite a surprise and in a way that we had not fathomed was possible. But we did lose a significant amount of money. That did not change.

Do you feel you might need to use a life boat right now? Are you able to move past the “why?” Are you feeling anxious? Review past answers to prayers God has given you. I keep a gift box in my living room that is placed on our mantel. The gift card on top says: To: Steve and Linda and family. From: God.” I write down on cards answers to prayers and keep them in this special box to remind myself of precious answers to burdens that God has answered. I date them. This also helps remind me of Romans 8:28 regarding God working everything out for my, or our good because He loves us. He loves me. That doesn’t mean that I understand it all at the time, and I may never fully understand the why part. But it causes me to have a thankful heart and give praise and glory to God for His shield of protection and blessings as my shepherd and overseer.

As my Grandma Helmers always told me: “This too shall pass.” My Pastor, Todd Smith, also said to me one time: “There will be an end to this. Believe on that fact.” He was right.

Yes, the Lord does know how to rescue the godly from trials as He promised in 2 Peter 2:9. There is an end in sight dear one. Rest in the Lord. Relax in His care. Rejoice that God has this!

Let your prayer be Psalm 62:1-2(NLT): “I wait patiently before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.”


Let Jesus astound you!

Jesus fed 10,000 to 15,000 people from five loaves of bread and only two fish in Mark 6:30-45. Now jump to Mark 6:45-46: “immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray.” They all needed rest. Jesus found rest by leaving the group to pray. Jesus always found strength from prayer. One of the greatest encouragements to us is to know that Jesus found it essential to pray in order to feel re-energized in the strength of the Lord.

Next a storm came up in Mark 6:49-50. The disciples were in the boat and were not making any headway because they were rowing against the wind and getting nowhere. Jesus saw this and walks on the water. Jesus had never left. He was always there. Try and remember this was now around 3AM-6AM. They had to be exhausted from lack of sleep besides physical exhaustion from rowing against that wind. Here is the punchline in Mark 6:51: “And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly ASTOUNDED.” The disciples didn’t consider the miracle of feeding the huge amount of people just minutes before. They saw it but didn’t get it. They were shocked that the wind suddenly stopped and the water was calm.

I am praying that the Lord will astound me in my answers to prayers! I am just like these disciples. I am just like these men. How quickly I forget one answer to prayer and then move onto the next hard circumstance in life and too often forget the blessings God has previously given me and doubt floods in. May I, may you, be ASTOUNDED in Jesus calming your storm(s) in life this week!