The Gift Box: From God

Romans 4:26-27: “No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his (Abraham’s) faith was “counted to him as righteousness.”

Abraham is such an example to us of a man who had strong faith. He believed what God had told him as it says in Romans 4:18-19: “In hope he believed against hope, that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been told . . . He did not weaken in his faith . . .“

Abraham squarely faced the impossible – he never doubted. He experienced being tested by difficulties (Gen. 12:10 – a famine in the land). Yes, Abraham had weaknesses and mistakes during his lifetime, – sins, and failures. When he was under direct pressure, he distorted the truth, but he was also noted for having wisdom, was a caring father, and even allowed an opponent to set the rules in handling a dispute. Abraham purposefully and steadfastly trusted God. So his faith then pleased God. How did he do that? He continued holding onto God’s promise (or covenant) despite obstacles and odds of it coming to fruition because he accepted as true, God would do what He said – therefore he remained steadfast in his faith.

Our faith is like a muscle. When a muscle is stretched properly, it becomes stronger. That is the purpose of physical therapy. It helps rejuvenate motion and mobility and contributes to reducing pain. Physical therapy exercises and massage therapy, bring oxygen and blood flow to injured places in our body. It takes work and time to rebuild ligaments. The same is with our faith. When I am “in the wait” or being tested yet again, my faith is stretched, pulled, and tested. If I resist, my faith will not improve the quality in my relationship with God, and will not be able to become stronger, better, or deeper. Do I enjoy it? No, of course not. I admit at times I have been weak, and other times I have been mighty in my faith, hope, and trust in God working through various trials in life. It could be called – learning to live with the hand you have been dealt.

I have a gift box that I keep on our mantel in the living room. I have a gift card on the lid that says:

To: Steve and Linda Killian and Friends and Family.

From: God.

Inside the box I keep answers to prayers that I have written down on 4X6 white cards. When I need my faith strengthened, courage, encouragement, or my mind rebooted to look upward, I go to this box and read what I have written on the cards. Each one is dated so I can reflect on when and how God answered each one of these prayer requests.

I opened this box this week and sorted by date each card. I put the cards out in front of me according to the date. What a joy to read through each one of them. I couldn’t help but notice that the year 2016 had the most cards. I don’t remember 2016 being a challenging year necessarily. The shortest stack of cards was from 2012. That shocked me. I remember that year as being long and extremely difficult. However, I can now see how God rewarded, established, and used those incidents to strengthen our faith in Him. We failed many times in doubting God and asked why but eventually we were able to say “Yes, why not?”

I had problems with many fears back then of all the possible “what ifs?” But if I had not lived through each detail, had not seen how God brought us through each one, as He eventually delivered us out of our own Red Sea experiences, I would have never identified with what I call my signature verse – Psalm 119:92:If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” Then my prayer became: “Teach me Your Word during this season of my life like I have never known it before and make this verse my testimony when I emerge from this place.” I learned to be strengthened in my faith in God, by reading and living out His faithful promises found in His Word, such as Genesis 18:14a: “Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Are you wanting to “emerge from this place” too in your life right now?

How can you be like Abraham, squarely face the impossible, and have hope beyond any hopeless situation?

“Look to see God’s provision for today. “God help me to see my abundance.” Keep a tangible testimony of the Lord’s provision.” Pastor Todd Smith.

There is a note in my NIV Application Bible regarding 2 Peter 3:18 that says: “No matter where we are in our spiritual journey, no matter how mature we are in our faith, the sinful world always will challenge our faith. We still have room for growth. If every day we find some way to draw closer to Christ, we will be prepared to stand for truth in any and all circumstances.” That is so true!

“Satan will do everything he can to make a fool of you.” Beth Moore, “Jesus, Because Life is Complicated, Part 3.”

Our daily assignment and application must become: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!” 2 Peter 3:18.

How can you be strong in your faith today despite the circumstances?

What verses do you hold close when your faith needs to stand firm?

May we remember that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness! Sometimes we just have to wait (oh how I hate that word) quietly for the Lord’s deliverance (Lamentations 3:22-26). Put your hope in Him.

My prayer for today: “God I ask for your guidance today. Help me to make right decisions that will have the right long term results.”

Listen to Danny Gokey’s “Comeback.”


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