Psalm 3:5; 8, “I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. Victory comes from you O LORD. May you bless your people.”
When I get out of bed each morning, I have an app on my iPhone connected to our bed that gives me my SleepIQ score that I check to see the results. It tells me the following: 1) How many minutes it took to fall asleep; 2) Restless sleep minutes; 3) Restful sleep hours and minutes; 4) Bed exit time. Then, the bio signals of heart rate, heart rate variability, and breath rate are presented. This morning, it says that my restful sleep was right around my average and is great for my well-being and overall sleep health. But it cannot know what external circumstances disturb my sleep when the ratings show it has gone below my average. Sleep does not come quickly during trials and times of crisis. We have David, in Psalm 3, who was running for his life and had a crisis. His son Absalom led a conspiracy of traitors that was growing in momentum against him (2 Sam. 15:12). Many said God would not help him. However, David believed in God’s presence (doctrine of God’s omnipresence) and that God was a shield around him (Ps.3:3). Therefore David’s confidence was not shaken that God would give him a blessing, that he would be aware of His presence, and that God would protect him despite 10,000 enemies that may have been surrounding him (verse 6). As David declared in Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”
The assurance of God’s watchful care and protection over David gave him a restful sleep. He knew that God was in control and left the destiny of God’s kingdom to God. No obstacle would prevent the all-powerful (omnipotent) God from accomplishing His purposes and divine will. God is in control of all things as Isaiah 14:27 declares,” The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has spoken – who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him!”
When carrying a heavy burden and you rest your head on your pillow, remember Genesis 18:13 and Jeremiah 32:27, “Is anything too hard for God?” Nothing is too complicated for God. Matthew 19:26 states, “With God all things are possible.” Paul teaches us in Ephesians 3:20 that “God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think.”
God has made us in such a way that gives us mental abilities and persuasive power capabilities to produce results with His guidance. Still, the use of that power has to be in ways pleasing to God. It brings glory to His character for others to see in our single-mindedness and humble-minded faith that Christ is our source of power and guide no matter what. He will develop our character to be more Christ-like through our growth of self-discipline and obedience to God’s Word, so our light shines brightly for His glory. So, sleep well tonight, my friend. The LORD is watching over you. God is omnipotent, which means all-powerful, and He has no restraining limits on what He can do even when we sleep at night. He is right beside you (omnipresent). He will bring the needed victory, which will come in the end.
Listen to I Believe (Charity Gayle) Lyric Video.